I recently read a book called Curveball: When Life Throws You a Brain Tumor by Liz Holzemer. It is the story of a woman's brain tumor journey. She had a baseball sized menigioma. It is her journey from diagnosis thru recovery. While she did not have an AN, I saw so much of what I have been thru in her story. I found myself tearing up at parts and laughing at parts because she is able to accuratly depict some of the wierd things that that are unique to those of us who are going thru our own brain tumor journey. Here's an example: On her "top ten brain tumor survivor benefit list" #4 is "I'm on a first name basis with all of the MRI techs at every hospital in my vicinity". It is not just funny, her story is very inspiring and in the end gives you hope that there is truly life after a brain tumor. You can get it at Amazon if you are interested in purchasing it. I am in the process of having family and friends read it because often times I have a hard time explaining what this journey has been like for me and I think this book does a nice job with this.