I had never heard of a "glomus jugulare " tumor before.. Heck, I had never heard of an acoustic neuroma before I had one either, so that's not surprising. I did some googling and based on what I found, I think you'd fit in just fine with this group. No, it's not an AN, but the "symptoms" before diagnosis are pretty similar and post-operative "complications" (or at least the possibility of said things) are very similar (hearing loss, swallowing issues, facial weakness/paralysis, etc..).
Please, jump right in and become involved. Ask your questions, answer some.. Get...well... connected with other people who have many of the same struggles that you have. You're more than welcomed here. This isn't an AN-only club.. We have people with mengiomas, ANs, and other types of -omas in our midsts.. So, let's add glomas jugular to the mix.
You said this type of tumor is rare, but I'm curious how rare it is.. The quick and dirty research I've done suggest that it's the "most common tumor of the middle ear" (not to say that it's not rare by comparison to other things)..
So, tell us more about you, your tumor, etc.. You mentioned facial paralysis, but is it temporary weakness?
Welcome to our little place in the world.. You're very welcomed among us.