So I went to the audiologist, Abby, for (hopefully) a final programming. I think one reason (the other being training) I am having so many issues with it is because of my work environment.
I prefer the music setting, (I work in a music/video store), but because off all the alarms I am exposed to everyday, having the "feedback manager" turned OFF, actually reduces the feedback I hear every time an alarm goes off.
Unfortunately, the way the programming works, I can only have one or the other per program. So, I now my program 1 is no "feedback manager", and program 2 is music. I have to switch to whichever works best at the time. I asked Abby to suggest to Cochlear to create another program where both can be used at the same time.
The good news is that is works great! I can hear great with it, just wish I could get the whole feedback situation dealt with.
We'll see....