I'm with the crowd.. it's impossible for anyone of us to recommend a type of surgical approach because a) we're not surgeons and b) we don't know the exact placement of the tumor.. As has been alluded to, most doctors will have an approach that they're comfortable with so they will likely recommend that approach over another that they have less familiarity with.
I had a 3cm tumor and surprisingly, my doctor did a retrosigmoid approach.. not for hearing preservation (even though I secretly hoped that would be the case) but because it provided the surgeons the best view of MY TUMOR. Originally, they were going to go with a Translab approach but after the two surgeons (ENT and Neurosurgeon) consulted, they decdided that based on placement, a retrosigmoid approach gave them the best view so they went that route.
I'd consult several surgeons and go from there knowing they will likely "recommend" the approach that they are most comfortable with.. Then it will come down to WHY they say their approach is better and how YOU feel (comfort level with their manner, demeanor, experience, etc..).
As we've said many times around here, treatment choice (including what type of approach) is a personal one and one that should only be made with yourself, your loved ones and your doctor(s). You'd be hard pressed to find someone around here that will recommend one approach over another because they all have their merits given the circumstance, they all carry they own risks and they all have their upsides.
Good luck on your choice! Let us know if we can help (aside from recommending one approach over another)!