Okay, well, I've had / continue to have the whole gamut of therapy.
PT (Vestibular PT) started in the hospital and still see 2x/week on an outpatient basis. Since it was started in the hospital (couldn't walk when I first came out of surgery d/t the dizziness and left sided weakness), I had the prescription for it to continue from the resident that discharged me.
OT - I had full body left sided weakness, which I suspect is from the chunk of cerebellum they took with the tumor, so my left hand didn't do much and shook pretty bad. I had to get the prescription from the neurosurgeon with some urging by my PT. Did about a month of that.
Speech-Language Pathology - This is a new thing for me. My PT and I were noticing some issues with attention, memory, and multitasking so she suggested I see SLP for an Executive Function Test. I got the prescription from my general practitioner/family doc since my neurosurgeon was kind of grumpy about writing for the OT. Just started that about a week and a half ago and am scheduled through the month to work on the identified issues and also on some facial stuff.
Psychotherapy - Emotionally I've been a wreck so after about 6 or 7 weeks of "going it alone" I called my hospital's (where I work) employee assistance program to get hooked up with a licensed counselor.
Uhh, and I think that's it unless you count the corneal specialist/eye surgeon team as therapy.