Thank you all for the warm welcome and words of encouragement. I'm in my mid-40's, male. I really appreciate all the advice and well wishes. I have begun my research and I guess I'm looking to see what this doctor I was referred to will say after he views my MRI image ..... I somewhat feel I already know what the options will be. I'm prepared mentally, I think, for the appropriate treatment, whether it be surgery or radiation. I'm not sure I want to take the wait and see approach unless there is a chance the AN will shrink by itself (which I don't believe is an option). My balance is effected enough where I feel my quality of life has already begin to decrease. I tire easily, and the tasks I use to do around the house seem a bit more burdensome as I guess I need to exert more energy to keep my balance, and I guess that tires me out. I don't feel up to par.
I had started tracking my "symptoms" for about 3-4 weeks (no longer doing it now on paper), prior to seeing the second doctor because I knew I wanted an MRI, so I wanted to build a case for it. I rated my feelings of imbalance on a daily basis, as either LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and also tried to note fatigue, foods I ate, etc., because at the time I just did not know what I was dealing with. Now that I know, I feel much better that there is a physical explanation to what I was experiencing ..... some people really doubted what I was experiencing and there was no way for me to prove it (they thought I was imagining it, or it had to do with my diet, or it was allergy related).
I believe I really would like treatment sooner rather than later, and if I had a choice it would be Dec 30 or 31 lol
. This will give me plenty of time off with the family, and also I'll be on the same insurance deductible schedule!
I know this might sound premature, but I do feel I'm ready to deal with this. I think I've already cycled through my stages of denial, fear, anger .... I'm ready to get this bugger out of me! But I'm still worried a bit about the potential complications.
I'd like to know if the doctor I'm seeing is experienced in this kind of treatment. I'm not comfortable yet in sharing his name, but I might do a search on the forums to see if his name even comes up. Nonetheless I printed the questions out from the website, and I'll be sure to bring them with me.
Thanks again everyone. It's nice to know what I have, and that there are people out there who have "been there, done that".
A Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to all of you!