Hi Guys!
Well, after many appts and ups/downs associated with phasing out of work AGAIN and telling my friends & family, here's where I am right now (and I can't tell you how wonderful it was to read the most recent posts here and find that you guys were wondering how I am....hard to help feeling a bit lonely through all of this)...
The docs at OSU were not in agreement with my local oncology team - they are indeed concerned about the staph infection and the breast cancer surgeon does not agree that the area of malignancy is small (which this was very hard to hear). The cancer specialists want the staph infection under control / treatment prior to the mastectomy. So, after all parties talked (neurosurgeon in Cincinnati, and the infectious disease specialist and cancer surgeon in Columbus) the plan is for surgery #4 to happen on January 5 in Cincinnati - my neurosurgeon will debried the wound, clean up all visible signs of infection, and remove all hardware / titanium to ensure that if any infection is tied to a reaction to any hardware, the sources are all gone). I will have a PICC line inserted at this time and will begin receiving IV antibiotics. They will transfer my care to the infectious disease specialist for the staph infection / PICC line who will be overseeing this phase of my care for staph infection. THEN....January 14th is the date of the mastectomy. I meet with the cancer surgeon on the 12th to make certain I am ready for surgery and I'm assuming that he will remove any staples/sutures from my Jan 5 surgery so I won't have to drive back down to Cincinnati. UGH...this is all so mindblowing for me - I never dreamed that a year after my first AN surgery, I would be staring at even scarier stuff. Oh well, trying not to dwell and remind myself that life isn't about being fair.
My family doctor prescribed an antidepressant and another anti-anxiety drug in case I need them. Right now, I don't feel that I do, but we'll see! Once the cancer surgeon characterized my tumor as "large", I have struggled with keeping my chin up. All these things are going through my mind like "Gee, how long has this been developing - why have the mammograms over the past 3 years noted "benign fibrocystic tissue" and now all of sudden, that same group of tissues are malignant? Where else is the cancer now that it's been made known? I am putting myself through the same ordeal as when my AN was first diagnosed - I am VERY aware of each and every ache / pain and possible association with cancer in other places!! Maybe it's nothing, but what if it is something? Won't know for a while and my logical side (while buried a little deeper of late, it is still there!) says that I can't do a darn thing about right now anyway, so girl - just be glad you are now aware, getting treated, and have a good group of folks to look after me. In this case, ignorance is not bliss, right?
So, right now, I am trying my level best to keep my fears in check, and get myself ready for 2010 and whatever that brings my way. My husband and kids are fabulous - my inlaws and extended family on my husband's side are also a terrific source of support for me. My own side of the family is in withdrawal mode (I saw my mother only 5 times in 2009 and she lives less than a mile from me - I know she loves me, but she just can't deal with other people's issues). Although I knew what their reaction would be, it still smarts a bit - but hey, the last year was a good dress rehearsal for some heavier stuff, and for that, I am better prepared (and so is the rest of my support system!!).
I will work on Monday Jan 4th, trying to keep things as normal as I can for as long as I can. Then, Tuesday morning, off to Cincy for the beginning of my 2010 adventure. I would much prefer to have things a bit calmer, but that is not my choice. I thank you guys for your care and concern...and count on you as part of my extended support team. I'll continue to stay online as much as possible - my 2009 was easier because you were in it with me, and I will continue to lean on you guys in 2010.
Love to all of you and my wish for all of you is a new year filled with live, love, support, and lots of laughter.