I am constantly pinching myself to make sure that I am really reading your posts and not dreaming that there is such a warm supportive and compassionate group of friends out there who care so much. Your comments mean the world to me and they are not small things at all!! I always feel so much better when I read them.
Donnalynn - thanks for sharing your mom story....I have accepted my situation as you have...most of the time. I'm much better at it of late, and my husband told me yesterday that he will always be there for her to complain to since she gave him "me"! He also said that if he had to do it over again 30 years ago, he would do nothing different (which of course, made me weep!) and that even though things are getting lopped off, he thinks I'm just wonderful!! Wow, how did I get so lucky!!!
Anyway, in an odd sort of way, it is good telling the story - guess journaling is really good for the soul. I am grateful for this forum that allows us to do it. Even though the stories might not be bestsellers, they are ours to tell and we kindred spirits are forever linked through the written word.
I promise to get my prescriptions filled today so they are on the ready. I will check with the pharmacy to make sure nothing that I'm taking or plan to take during my upcoming adventure will not interfere. Thanks, Pat, for the gentle nudge!!!!
Love to all of you and happy new year to all forumites!