Thanks to all of you for your replies! They are, as always, very helpful and there will never be enough words to express my gratitude for everyone here! I feel very confident in my surgical team and overall the pre-op appt's went really well. It had been such a long day and luckily my mom and hubby were there to help remember all that was said. By the time we met with the surgeons it had already been a 10+ hour day and it was somewhat difficult to remember and decipher all that was being said. I only remembered the part about the hearing preservation being lowered to 40-50% or even 0%, but I couldn't remember why until my hubby reminded me. The surgeon did say that if it is on the lower balance nerve it will also be harder to get to. They also said that because they are using the middle fossa approach and cutting the temporal or "chewing" muscle, it is going to be difficult to chew and therefore I must try to chew often to get the muscle working again (or something like that)! They said it is rare for the tumor to be on the facial nerve (as all of you already know), but I have had intermittent facial numbness (not very often though) and some twitching on that side too and that makes me worry a little that it might be on the facial nerve

I just cannot imagine going through all of this to find out that the stupid thing is STILL there

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me as it helps to know what to possibly expect and to know that no matter what happens there is a TON of great support and encouragement here

Both doctors said to call anytime with questions and they were both amazing! I will probably call tomorrow and have a few questions ready for them when they call. I also have a question about the original MRI. I obtained a copy of the CD (from my ER visit) and my family and I were looking at it and noticed something on the right side (AN's on the left). We are wondering if perhaps the L and R sides got "turned around" or something. The "object" on the right side looks even larger than the AN on the left. I am sure it is absolutely nothing but it stands out like a sore thumb on the MRI and we all noticed it right away and said "what is that"?!?! It shows up in several of the slides just like the AN. It just looks strange and definitely looks like it doesn't belong there

Am I crazy to ask about this? They did another MRI on Thursday but said they hadn't had a chance to look at it yet when we met with them. I will be curious to see if this "thing" shows up with this new MRI too. I suppose one can tend to get a bit "paranoid" after learning one already has a tumor...but it sure looks odd (to the untrained eye anyway). I wouldn't even give it another thought if it was just me who noticed it, but everyone noticed it immediately.
Ok, thanks for "listening"!! I better get some food on now...we are getting more company again today

Have a wonderful day today!! I hold you all dear to my heart for all you do for everyone here!!