Thanks for the insight on the ear pain. I sometimes think it's just because I now of these things, that I have all of it. I know the pain is real, I just think I pushed it aside for so long and ignored it, or chalked up to something silly. Usually I blame everything on sinus issues. I guess that's not my case now.
I did realize today that my numbness is to my scalp line on the right side. I went to stratch my head while driving tonight and realized it felt numb. I think I scared my 14 year old a little when I shouted, oh crap, my head is numb too. She told me she better practice driving incase of an emergency and I might need to her too. She is so sweet and caring, I'm so scared to see how they will react to their mom being so sick and helpless after surgery. My oldest is a sweetheart and it's going to break her heart! My little one might not quite understand so much, that will be a blessing, she will just know I'm sick and need rest. My middle one is tough, she will hold it in and try to act like she's find with it all and then will eventually breakdown. I know my girls all too well. They are my life and I love them. I couldn't see my life worth living without them. My hubby will be my rock, I know he will, he's scared, I know, but he will stay strong for the girls, after all, he's their daddy!!!
Okay, gotta go, tears have started to flow again!!!! Sorry about the mushy stuff, I get that way now and again.
I hope to have answers Thursday after my tests if I don't get snowed in.
I did enjoy my B-day today!!!!