I'm sorry to hear the news for both of you. I was just confirmed this week I have a VESTIBULAR schwannoma (I'm imbalanced, and I don't mean just mentally lol
). I learned that typically, these grow so slowly that the brain compensates and most folks don't feel any type of imbalance; rather they have hearing issues and that's what triggers their seeing a doctor. In my case, it is concluded that mine is growing faster than normal ..... faster than my brain can compensate, hence my imbalance, and this is less common to see a doctor for balance reasons. My imbalance is not debilitating yet .... my quality of life, though, is deteriorating and I know this imbalance is getting more intense each day (it feels like it). Before it was a passing, random feeling. Now it's from the moment I get up from a bed .... until I sleep from fatigue.
I've opted to get the surgery .... complete removal .... as radiation I was told may make worse my balance, or if any improvement expected, won't be felt for quite some time (possibly 12-18 months). The net effect IMO is that I have this radiation and I get no results - I remain the imbalanced individual that I am! This is specific to my situation only ..... increasing imbalance (no significant hearing loss although I feel fullness in the ear) ..... radiation for my situation is not something I think I can consider if I want an immediate change. So, I'm going for full surgical removal of that bad boy.
I'm curious. Tenai98, is there regrowth because you went with an initial partial removal as swhite did? Or do you have a full removal but now it's grown back?