I echo Mark's opinions...people recommend what they know best .That's why the best thing i did was listen to forum members here, and talk to quite a few physicians (including sending off my MRI images/notes to those who indicated the most interest in working with me). (Note: I think HOUSE in Los Angeles is still doing free phone calls/phone consults after they get your MRI info..check their website)
I had Linac (a type of radiation/radiosurgery treatment) at Univ of Fl on Dec 1 of this year, so it's been 3 weeks since treatment. Radiosurgery was not even mentioned as an option with first neurosurgeon i talked with, and i was very bothered that he was so so insistent on ony doing one particular type of surgery on me, especially since i had usable hearing in my right ear. i called his office later, and asked how many surgeries he had done, and found out he had not even done that many surgeries...(i guess he wanted to use me to "up" his surgical procedures count...who knows? That's why it's important to take the time and effort to talk with lots of neurosurgeons, about ALL possibilities.
After talking with lots of other surgeons, i was able to make decision to do radiosurgery, and since there were also some other medical issues, this was the best option for me. I have been totally with happy with my decision, and am feeling fine...some mild dizziness (existing prior to the Linac) when i stand up, move, turn, sneeze but am fine while sitting, and am ready to go back to work, and am already ridiing horses again. (carefully, walk, shor trots, and i ALWAYS wear a helmet, even before all this)
Mark's article about his AN is excellent, and it was a great help to me. Hope it helps you as you move toward making a decision. And it is never really easy, but at least you can make an informed decision that you are comfortable with in your heart, and that's what counts.