Author Topic: Newbie - can't get a break...  (Read 4703 times)


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Newbie - can't get a break...
« on: December 26, 2009, 09:15:29 pm »
Hi! In the last 2 years, I've had 3 brain surgeries and one GK. At my recent annual MRI, the doc called me after reading the radiologists report and said the tumor looks like it's still growing!!! He's going to consult with the GK doc but I'm thinmking I'll ask for another MRI in 3 months. Here's my story (sorry so long):

I originally had surgery on Jan 08 for AN resection - retro (approx 3.5 cm) at Virginia Commonwealth Hospital b/c it was the best option that took my insurance at the time. I was 32 and otherwise healthy. The docs thought they got 80% out. I was totally back to normal w/in 4 wks; it was great! The only consequence is that I lost hearing in my right ear.

When I had my baseline MRI done (3 mos post surgery), it was either growing or they didn't get as much. So they recommended GK. I switched to University of Virginia (just started taking my insurance) and had GK in Aug 08. The docs were already on the fence b/c of the tumor size but I had it done anyways. I was running again in 3 days; it was walk in the park compared to surgery.

Well, as you know, you are supposed to have an MRI at 6 mos and then 12 (annual after that) but I started having severe pain in my right ear and headaches. They put me on steroids and recommended an MRI - even though it had only been 4 mos since the GK. The docs said to expect swelling from the GK but my tumor was now pressing on my brain stem and had to come out! I was thinking after Christmas (this was last Nov) but the docs said NOW! So I had surgery again Dec 18, 2008. The plan was to debulk and then GK again. This time I a woke to facial palsy and had trouble walking. I had to use a walker in the hospital. I went home walking but the facial paralysis persisted (FYI - the doc said they did not severe my facial nerve). The post-surgery MRI indicated that 95% of the tumor had been removed.

After 4 wks at home, I discovered I had a CSF leak and had surgery again on Jan 12th. The worst part about it was that the spinal tap didn't work and they had to do again while I was awake! I also had to lie at 50 degrees for 5 days (it was better than on my back!). Because of the additional MRI's, the docs actually changed their initial reading to 99% of the tumor removed. I was told that because so much has been removed, I wouldn't even need GK unless it showed signs of growth over the years.

Around 6 months post-surgery, I started noticing some muscle movements in my face - WOOHOO. Today I'd say it's about 80% back to "normal". The right side of my body/motor skills is about 90%. The best way is to describe this that I can no longer type using the standard set positions. My right hand moves a little slower than it used to. My balance is off a little but not bad: I can’t run on a treadmill.

Well, my annual MRI images looked quite different than what I was prepared to see... my surgeon showed me the images from after surgery and the present. It looked more like 70% vs 99%. I was a little shocked. Additionally, I had a difficult time doing any type of comparison b/c the tumor had changed shaped when it collapsed. After the radiologist report came in, that is when my doc called and said they think it's still growing!!! BTW - it looked like 1 cm was left in there.

So I'm not ready to jump into anything again. If they suggest GK, I might wait 3-6 months and have another MRI to see if that one also shows signs of growth. I'm obviously worried about cashing in my last chip with GK. After I use that treatment, I'll have to have surgery again if it keeps growing and I feel like the complications would be more severe this time.

I feel like every time things start going well, I turn another corner with unexpected surprises!! Anyone with a similar story?

Thanks for letting me vent :)

Age: 34
Jan 08 - Translab for right AN; 3.6 cm @ VCU
Aug 08 – GK UVA
Dec 08 – Translab 3.7 cm at UVA (too much swelling from GK and displacing brainstem)
Partial Facial Paralysis
Manageable balance issues & slight loss of right side motor skills
Jan 09 – CSF Leak


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2009, 09:50:12 pm »
I am so sorry for all that you have gone through.  I have only had the one surgery (14 years ago) but had a lot of complications then.  Life is good now ad I am able to do most anything that I want but it has been a LONG road!   ;)  How much experience have your Dr's had with acoustic neuromas.  I could be wrong, but this does not sound very familiar to me.  If you would like to chat, I would be more than happy to call you - sounds like we had a lot of the same after effects - but thankfully, your face got better!  :)  Just PM me your phone number & a good time to call (button on left).  You can also check out my blog (world icon) if you would like!

K   ;D
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2009, 01:16:15 am »
Hi Allison,
OMG you have been through a lot! Of course you need to vent. I cannot empathize with 3 brain surgeries :o AND GK -sorry.
I had ONE surgery with complications,still working on them, but my tumor is gone. I still need to vent too :( 3.5 years post op.
My heart goes out to you, and prayers too for an end to surgeries and further growth.
So sorry about the unexpected surprises. Hang in there....
06/06-Translab 3x2.5 vascular L AN- MAMC,Tacoma WA
Facial nerve cut,reanastomosed.Tarsorrhaphy
11/06. Gold weight,tarsorrhaphy reversed
01/08- nerve transposition-(12/7) UW Hospital, Seattle
5/13/10 Gracilis flap surgery UW for smile restoration :)
11/10/10 BAHA 2/23/11 brow lift/canthoplasty


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2009, 06:13:17 am »
oh my sorry
Looks like I'm followingin ur footsteps...I had my surgery april/09 and the doc they left in two small strands...well now I just had my first MRI post surgery and the tumor is in at 1.6 now I"m looking at GK or CK...
14mmX11mmX11mm left ear
TRANSLAB 04/07/09 2cms at time of surgery
Dr. Benoit and Schramm, Ottawa Civic Campus
SSD ,some facial numbness
Baha surgery sept 22/09
residual tumor 13mmX7mmX8mm
2016 new growth.  25mmX21mmX22mm
cyberknife on June 7


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2009, 07:54:09 am »
Hi Allison,

Welcome to the Forum. SO GLAD you have posted your story and i hope you find some comfort here, with these wonderful folks!
WOW - you have been through a lot!

I am in W & W mode currently, so i can offer no advice about treatments. 
However, i will tell you that i go to UVA and earlier this month a well-meaning resident tried to talk me into surgery. [Whoa, wait a minute here!]
I am VERY grateful to the supervising ENT who saw fit to order the MRI for me a year ago.  But please, (resident), give me a break - it is my brain, not yours! 

If i were in your shoes, i might strongly consider another opinion.  Have you thought about this?  It sounds to me like someone else needs to review your MRI results.  ---  Honestly, i lots of time believe that my docs think i will automatically do treatment with them - then they under-estimate my knowledge, decision making abilities, and the fact that i will certainly consider all treatment options when i need them.  As a matter of fact, i personally lean very strongly towards CK and would need to go elsewhere for that treatment - my choice would be Dr. Chang at Stanford. 

I do have some questions - are they SURE it is the tumor growing and not swelling?  How can they tell the difference?
Even from one MRI to the next, there is some margin of error.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you during these uncertain days.
Please keep us posted on your progress. 
If you want to talk, send me a PM for my phone #.

Little sister to Bigsister!
9mm X 6mm X 5mm
Misdiagnosed 12+ years?
Diagnosed Sept. 2008/MRI 4/09/MRI 12/09/MRI 1/21/11
Continued W & W

another NY postie

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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2009, 02:50:59 pm »
You have had a rough time of this.  I am so sorry that it just never seems to end.  I, too, advocate a second, third, even more opinions.  I know you must deal with who accepts your insurance and this can be very constricting but consider sending your films out to House Ear Institute.  THey offer free consultation on MRIs (you send them your film) and it would be very interesting for you to hear what they have to say.  I ended up going going there with Dr. Brackmann  - you can request a certain doctor to review your films - go on their website and see the doctors.   Others really love Dr. Friedman.  I am not advocating any more surgery at all but they are extrememly experienced with ANs and do so many surgeries a year that it would be interesting for you to hear what they read from your films.  Good luck on this...this forum is here to support you in any way we can....
5 mm lateral IAC (impacted?) diagnosed 6-09-09
middle fosa 9/23 HEI - Brackmann/Schwartz
all tumor gone, facial perfect, no ringing
SSD on right side - Rockin' and Rollin'

Jim Scott

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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2009, 04:13:10 pm »
Hi, Allison ~

Welcome - and thanks for posting.  I'm sorry to learn about all the complications from your AN.  You've had a rough time of it, for certain, and I hope that you're close to the end of this experience.  Someone with a sense of irony has termed an acoustic neuroma: the 'gift that keeps on giving'.  Unfortunately, that seems to be your experience and I'm sorry you've had to go through it.  

My neurosurgeon looked at my 4.5 cm AN (pressing hard on my brainstem) and suggested I consider a partial resection to reduce the size of the tumor, then undergo (26) FSR sessions to destroy it's DNA.  This was suggested to help me avoid facial paralysis and other complications.  It worked just as planned.  The tumor was debulked (down to 2.5 cm) and I suffered no real post-op problems.  I enjoyed a rapid recovery and underwent the FSR treatments 3 months later with no ill effects.  On my last MRI the tumor showed the beginnings of necrosis and shrinkage.  My doctor was thrilled and I was no less pleased.  

Frankly, I wish more doctors would take this approach with AN patients presenting with large (+ 3 cm)  ANs.  The concept of 'getting it all' appears to be somewhat fallible and when (and if) it fails, can bring a lot of problems to the AN patient, as has happened to you. I hate to see this happen, but it's not uncommon, although many AN surgical patients do have all of the tumor removed with no re-growth.  However, the concern about a possible regrowth is always there, lurking in the back of our mind.  

I hope that you can avoid radiation but whatever happens, we'll be here to support you literally cheer you on as you try to conclude your AN 'journey'.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 05:03:28 pm by Jim Scott »
4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2009, 04:50:42 pm »
Allison .....

Oh my, no one should have to go through what you have!  This sounds very untypical of AN treatment results.  I am with the others in suggesting that you seek other opinions from physicians who are extremely experienced in specifically treating acoustic neuromas.  There is a vast difference between an experienced general neurosurgeon and one who has successfully treated hundreds of acoustic neuromas.  From your post, I am guessing you live in Virginia.  House in Los Angeles and Dr. Takanori Fukushima at Duke University in North Carolina have successfully treated many ANs.  Others can chime in here on gamma or cyberknife treatment locations but Stanford U in California and U of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania have excellent centers.  Most of these places will give evaluations just by sending your history and most recent MRIs.

Let us know how you are doing.

...... and welcome to this forum of caring, supportive friends!!

Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2009, 07:11:15 pm »
Thanks for all the responses!! Tomorrow I'm going to call UVA to obtain a copy of all my MRIs so I can get a 2nd opinion. I'll request 2 copies: one for House Ear Clinic and the other for possibly Johns Hopkins. I do have insurance to contend with but at least I have a PPO now which will allow me to see any doctor - I just have to pay more out of pocket. I'd rather buy a new car but I guess my brain is more important :)

My current neurosurgeon at UVA seems pretty well experienced with ANs but I agree with the other comments regarding a 2nd opinion; I really need to cover all the bases. And who knows, maybe when my neurosurgeon reviews my recent MRI images with the GK doc, he might not think I will need to do anything. Plus, I understand there could be a 2mm difference depending on who reads the film.

Without having received any further feedback yet, I’m inclined to just W & W and then possibly radiate down the road if needed. I do NOT want another surgery and would rather take my chances b/c my quality of life after another surgery would probably be severely impacted. I hope to have many years ahead of me and I don’t want to live them disable (motor skills, balance, complete facial palsy, ect). My husband and I have two young girls and I want to fully enjoy life with them (BTW - I do think the hormones from my two pregnancies played a huge role in the tumor's growth). No matter how good the docs are, I just don’t think they can mess with your brain that many times without side effects!! We’ll see what happens and I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted.

Thanks so much again!!

ps:  yes, I’m in Virginia. I will also be getting in touch with those of you that offered; I just need to figure out how you do it privately 
Age: 34
Jan 08 - Translab for right AN; 3.6 cm @ VCU
Aug 08 – GK UVA
Dec 08 – Translab 3.7 cm at UVA (too much swelling from GK and displacing brainstem)
Partial Facial Paralysis
Manageable balance issues & slight loss of right side motor skills
Jan 09 – CSF Leak


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2009, 07:31:10 pm »
Hey Allison,

It's Amy.... I've been on this forum so much the past 3 months, I'm sorry to find you're back here and having to consider more treatment options.  You really have been through so much already and I can't believe you're still having to deal with this.  I completely understand your hesitation to rush into anything and your need to explore all options right now.  I will say that if you do come out to House, I'll insist on a visit while you're in the neighborhood.  Otherwise, feel free to call me anytime.  You've got my numbers.  You know I just had my second surgery (one I chose to have, yes I am crazy!) and I don't want to even imagine any more procedures in the future, but we never know for sure if they'll come back.  As I've said many times before, you inspire me in your strength and I couldn't believe after all you've endured that you have been back to work, being a loving mommy and wife, and living your life pretty much as you did pre-AN.  I haven't been driving yet, really been in public unless I had to be, and have felt like it's so hard to get my life back since my surgery.  We all have different recoveries, but you are one brave, strong lady and I have no doubt you're gonna get through this LAST treatment and be the same amazing gal you were before the first.  You have every right to be cautious about going for another round here, but know that whatever happens, you're gonna be okay.  Please keep me posted on what you're up to and let's lean on each other more as we have both/are both going through so much of the same thing.  I really am sorry I have another friend from home who has an AN, but I know we'll get through this and that we are blessed to have benign brain tumors.  Benign doesn't make it easy, it's still a daily struggle for me, but we're gonna live.  You have already proven how determined you are to get your life back and you'll be there again soon knowing your done with this AN for good!

6mmx8mm AN rt side.  Mid-fossa surgery HEI House/Schwartz 10/28/09.  Temp facial paralysis (8 weeks), SSD, severe tinnitus & hyperacusis, tumor all gone.  12/23/09 cochlear nerve section (trying to reduce tinnitus) no major improvement on tinnitus. Trying biofeedback/neurofeedback for tinnitus.


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2009, 02:17:18 pm »
Oh Allison,

I just read your post and man have you had a rough go of things. I am sorry that you have had to deal with it over and over again that is totally not fair! I pray that there is no more regrowth and you can start to put this behind you.
I have a question? Are you getting all of the surgery and GK reports? You can also get all of your MRI's on a DVD. You may want to keep a medical file so that whom ever is dealing with you has the whole picture. I have two binders of information and all of my MRI's and reports. I trust myself the most because I have the most vested interest!

Welcome you are among friends!
Michelle  ;D
Retrosigmond surgery on June 4th, 2008 for an AN. 100% hearing loss and facial paralysis (was not prepared for facial paralysis). Size: 2.3 cm, 2.1 cm, 1.8 cm. some tumour remains along facial nerve. Pray for no regrowth. Misdiagnosed for 10 yrs.


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Re: Newbie - can't get a break...
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2009, 06:29:27 pm »
So sorry for all that you are going through please get several opinions and this forum there are so many people will be able to give you good advice or recommendations for several surgeons for you to contact.

My prayers are with you,

Diagnosed with a 1 cm. AN had Retrosigmoid
Approach surgery July of 2009, several problems after surgery.