The people on here are so cool,
They'll help you decide what to do,
Surgery or radiation,
If that is your question,
Capt Deb and the Crew really rule!
AN's are like the train in the Roadrunner cartoons. You look both ways and nothing's coming for miles and miles and miles. Then you step out to cross the track and BLAM. So do you ever feel like we are all plastered on the front of that AN locomotive speeding across the desert, all of us with that wild eyed look of fear, trying to figure out how to get off the darn train. ***************************************************
Or, it's like some bad dream, where you are going to go on the merry -go -round with the kiddies; birds are singing, the sky is blue, laughter surrounds you. Then the ride suddenly turns into the roller coaster ride from Hades, you are going up, up, up, into the sky before plunging 5000 feet to the bottom and then up and around and around and upside down and you can see the end of the ride up ahead, but it never seems to stop! Kind of like a bad Stephen King novel. But, then maybe that's the decadron talking!!
Or, finally, 4 weeks after your procedure, you finally feel good! The birds ARE singing, and the sky is really, really blue. The Pacific Northwest is enjoying an unseasonably dry spring, since all it's rain went to the East Coast, (sorry guys) and the flowers are brighter, the rhodies are bigger, the days are actually hot. The train slowed down so you could hop off, the roller coaster ride came to a halt, temporarily. July will be a 3 month MRI and then one in October, and then maybe, just maybe, that ride will be a distant memory and all you know is that life is good.