Author Topic: Tinnitus!! Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the ATA  (Read 2620 times)


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Tinnitus!! Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the ATA
« on: December 28, 2009, 01:58:11 pm »
Yes, I'm back and I'm talking about tinnitus again!  Many of you know I had surgery last week, a partial translab to remove my cochlear nerve and hopefully help reduce my tinnitus.  The doctors rarely perform these procedures because they're not confident they'll help the patient and success rate is only 50/50.  Less than one week post-op, doctors and everyone else is telling me to chill and see how things go.  It takes the brain time to adapt.  Well, chillin' and on meds, I'll never stop looking for relief from these awful sounds until I get it.  I was wondering if any of you have tried or know someone who has tried TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)?  It's supposed to be relatively non-invasive and pain free for most people with very few side effects.  Studies have also shown good responses to the treatment sometimes with improvements lasting up to 6 months.  Of course I'm already bugging Dr House about wanting to get involved with this and give it a try. 

After TMS and other studies to try and find drugs that alleviate tinnitus symptoms, there isn't a whole lot of other options now.  I will forever be a big supporter of ATA (American Tinnitus Association) and plan to make a big donation next year through my husbands work.  They'll double our contribution!  I may even ask friends/family and fellow ANers if you want to donate through my husband's work so we can get a big sum together knowing we will triple the funds through this process.   Let me know if any of you are interested in participating.  I'm sure I could post a check and evidence of our big contribution so nobody thinks I'm stealing their money.  I feel so passionately about finding a cure for tinnitus and I'm devoted to this cause until we've found one.  Even if mine gets better, I'll never forget how bad it can be and how much people suffer from it.  It's funny how I haven't seen a lot of desperation on this site about peoples inability to live with their tinnitus as much as so many other complaints.  We all have different recoveries, but I think most of us who have any tinnitus would really benefit and their quality of life would improve if we knew how to treat it.  Those who have it severe, like me, just try to get through each day hoping and praying that soon we'll find some relief.

Let me know your thoughts on TMS and contributions/involvement with ATA.

6mmx8mm AN rt side.  Mid-fossa surgery HEI House/Schwartz 10/28/09.  Temp facial paralysis (8 weeks), SSD, severe tinnitus & hyperacusis, tumor all gone.  12/23/09 cochlear nerve section (trying to reduce tinnitus) no major improvement on tinnitus. Trying biofeedback/neurofeedback for tinnitus.


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Re: Tinnitus!! Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the ATA
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 01:53:34 am »
  It's funny how I haven't seen a lot of desperation on this site about peoples inability to live with their tinnitus as much as so many other complaints. 

That would be me, AMY! I'm with you 100 %. It IS what rules and controls my life and brings me down, because I CANNOT just ignore it. It is a high pitch squeal,kind of like the EMS sound. 24/7, never changes character. I even have it in my good ear. (different sound though).
I dread social events and do better if I do not have to even talk with people. How is that for a downer?
Stress makes it worse, and December is one of the most stressful months, so it goes to show that it gets WORSE, if that can be possible.
If you ever just want to complain your ear off, PM me. I truly understand!
It is just such an unknown. It is an inner brain phenomenon. My hearing nerve was pissed off for so many years, and apparently the neurons are just going crazy, firing off up there.
I think MICKEY tried some device for the tinnitus, can't remember the post, but it was expensive, and it did help him some.
Hang in there,
06/06-Translab 3x2.5 vascular L AN- MAMC,Tacoma WA
Facial nerve cut,reanastomosed.Tarsorrhaphy
11/06. Gold weight,tarsorrhaphy reversed
01/08- nerve transposition-(12/7) UW Hospital, Seattle
5/13/10 Gracilis flap surgery UW for smile restoration :)
11/10/10 BAHA 2/23/11 brow lift/canthoplasty


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Re: Tinnitus!! Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the ATA
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 07:23:16 am »
I am so sorry for both of you.  I am lucky that I escaped severe tinnitus, but I have had horrible headaches since the day of my surgery, so I can relate to suffering from something that feels debilitating but others can't see.  It's so frustrating to look normal but feel completely unable to function.

I will pray for both of you that you find a drug or process that helps.  Amy, I think it is fantastic that instead of giving up you are turning your energy to support a group that is dedicated for improving the quality of life of all people suffering from tinnitus.  What a great thing!

9mm X 7mm tumor (left side), diagnosed 10-15-09
Retrosigmoid on 12-14-09 by Drs. Antonelli and Lewis (my heroes!)
Shands in Gainesville, FL
SSD, but no facial issues.  Mild tinnitus.