I wore my BAHA for exactly a week. I got it right before Christmas and couldn't get the programming tweaks done right away--I was getting feedback from higher pitched tones like women's and children's voices, music, and the phone ringing. On Christmas morning, I woke up with those same tones sounding synthesized--without my BAHA on my head.
It freaked me out a bit, but I chalked it up to my nerve had gotten irritated from the feedback and needed a rest. So I haven't worn my BAHA since. (still haven't found time to get it fixed) By that night, all was well. Fast forward to New Year's Day: I again woke up to those sounds being messed up and it lasted all day. Next morning I was fine. This morning, it started out that way a little bit but has subsided. It seems to have something to do with my head being stuffy.
Anybody else had this happen?