Author Topic: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?  (Read 5025 times)


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BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« on: January 04, 2010, 07:43:21 am »
Apparenrly all BP 100's here in Belgium have been shipped back to Cochlear because of sofware problems. The one I had for trial did not stop making high pitched noises and the switches and control leds did not function properly. At a certain point in time I could no longer switch it off!
I am planning to order a BP100 soon, but have my doubts about the functioning and reliability of this hearing aid.
Cochlear charges a ton of money (€ 4.000 approx. $ 5.700) and I want to make sure that I don't buy a problem! I can still go for the cheaper Intenso but the sound quality of the BP100 seems to be better? Both would offer sufficient sound amplification.

What is the experience of the users of the BP100 in this forum does yours function without feedback "peping" noises?


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 07:58:51 am »
Hi Muizen,

I had a lot of feedback issues with my BP100 at first. I attribute some of the problems to the fact that it is a band new product, (I got mine in early September), and the audiologists didn't have enough experience to know how to deal with them. Finally, I got a chance to meet with a Cochlear rep when she came  to do some additional training with my audiologist.

We determined that what worked best for me was to have the "feedback manager" turned off. Apparently, some sounds cause the feedback manager to produce even more feedback.

I have never had any issues with my controls, but I don't really use them, since I remove the battery each day, and replacing it resets my programming automatically.

Lisa from Portland, Maine age 46
Diagnosed June 2006
15mm X 17mm AN right side 80% hearing loss
GK March 14,2007 Dr. Noren, Providence RI
1 Year follow-up MRI shows "slight shrinkage".
2 Year follow-up MRI shows "No Change".
3 Year follow-up MRI "stable".
BAHA surgery 4-22-09 BP100 Sept. 2009


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 10:55:03 pm »
Muizen -

I don't have a BP100 - yet (will be upgrading in a month or so) but I know that Cochlear had some issues with them early on when they were first released (August 2009).  Since them, they have worked out all the "bugs" from what my doc, my audiologist, and BP100 users tell me.  The bugs were all related to the programming.

I have had my Divino for almost 2 years now and I have NO doubt that Cochlear makes high quality products - I've never had an issue with my Divino and it's 100% reliable.  This was a huge factor in my decision to upgrade to a Cochlear BP100 rather than an Oticon Ponto Pro (I demo'd both).  The Ponto Pro is Oticon's first entry into the BAHA market; they are known for manufacturing conventional hearing aids.  In my opinion, you can't go wrong with Cochlear - they are a very reputable, well-established company.  Oticon is also - but the newness of their venture into BAHA systems makes me hesitant.

At this point the sound quality of the BP100 is probably better than the Intenso, but the Intenso will also get an upgrade this spring.  So I wouldn't base your decision on sound quality.  If you truly need the added power an Intenso brings, you should probably wait for it's upgrade.

I don't know the cost of the BP100 here in the states, my doc & I haven't discussed that issue yet, but Cochlear sent a letter to current Divino users offering the BP100 for $3,750 plus programming fees (which are determined by your doc or audiologist). 

From what I've heard the Oticon Ponto Pro costs more than the Cochlear BP100, but I'm not 100% sure that is correct.

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 10:12:23 am »
Hope it's okay if I chime in here with another question.  I have my first consult to consider a BAHA in a couple of weeks and am trying to get all my ducks in a row to know what questions to ask.  I'm curious, Jan, as to why you plan to upgrade from your Divino.  I've gathered through other postings that you've been really happy with it.   ???


I have had my Divino for almost 2 years now and I have NO doubt that Cochlear makes high quality products - I've never had an issue with my Divino and it's 100% reliable.  This was a huge factor in my decision to upgrade to a Cochlear BP100 rather than an Oticon Ponto Pro (I demo'd both).  current Divino users offering the BP100 for $3,750 plus programming fees (which are determined by your doc or audiologist). 


GK 5/06 at Mayo for small AN after balance and slight hearing issues.  Progressive hearing loss following GK.
3/09 - facial spasms began.  MRI shows tumor growth.
9/09 - MRI shows further growth.  "GK failure."  Translab 10/1/09 success!  BAHA 10/8/10.


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2010, 10:48:02 am »
Goldie, as far as I know the BP100 is completely digital and offers possibilities for programming. The directional properties are annouched to be better which would enable the user to better concentrate on a sound coming from a selected source. My personal observation is that the sound quality has been improved.
It is also smaller and uses the cheaper small batteries.
I noticed however that the BP100 still has a number of unsolved problems such as the (too small) knobs and LED's not functioning properly and showing unacceptable feed back tones, but this is most likely a matter of correct settings?
Finally here in Belgium the BP100 is approx +€1400 more expensive than the Intenso which is the consequence of the fact that, sofar,  Cochlear hardly has any competition and can set a price level freely.


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2010, 11:23:32 am »
Goldie -

I am extremely happy with my Divino.  I've worn it almost 2 years now with no issues, no needed repairs, etc.  The reason I plan to upgrade is that 1) it has great new technology and 2) I can afford to this year - I've set aside pre-tax dollars through my flexible spending plan @ work - so I figure why not.

I tried the BP100 @ the 2009 ANA Symposium in August and I was thoroughly impressed with it.  It is more programmable than the Divino and it has better capabilities in noisy and crowded rooms (basically because it has 12 channels as opposed to the Divino that has 2). 

There is nothing wrong with my Divino, I love my Divino, but to me it's like buying a new TV or a new car - if there is something new & improved and you can afford it, why not?   It's a little more than that though - it's not just a material purchase to indulge myself or impress the neighbors.  It's something that will improve the quality of my life - which a new TV or car won't - so to me it's a no-brainer.  I don't have a HD or plasma TV or a new car (I drive a used one), but I feel that I'm worth a new device; I work hard and I've earned it, plus I rarely spend money on myself (I have two teenagers.  Need I say more?  ;))  Life - and the economy - are uncertain; next year I might not be able to afford the BP100.  So the timing is right for me.

There will come a point where Cochlear will discontinue servicing Divinos - I think the rep @ the symposium said they would support it another 5 years - so that was a small factor in my decision also. 

In addition, once I have the BP100 I won't be chucking my Divino in the trash.  I may decide to wear the Divino in circumstances I don't currently wear it - like riding my bicycle - and wear the BP100 for those "safer" occasions.  The best of both worlds in my opinion.

Muizen -

the BP100 is the same size as the Divino - maybe just a little flatter - and it uses the same size batteries - so your statement confuses me.  And if you think the "knobs" on it are too small, you should check out the Oticon Ponto Pro.  One of the reasons I decided against the Ponto Pro was the volume button which is teeny tiny  :( 

Here in the USA Cochlear does have competition - it started in October - the Oticon Ponto Pro.   At this point in time I think Ponto Pros are priced higher than BP100s - and Cochlear hasn't abandoned their regular audience.  Those of us who currently have a Divino are being offered a special price to upgrade to the BP100.  I don't know the cost savings exactly, but I do know it's a discounted price.


Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2010, 01:17:31 pm »
Thanks so much for the feedback.  That's really helpful and gives me more to think about!  Curious to see what they'll recommend, and I'll go from there.  Although I manage great most of the time (or at least think I do!), there are times when the SSD really is a problem, and if there's anything I can do to help that, I'm going for it!  I've been reading through some of the other discussions today too and they've been helpful as well. 

GK 5/06 at Mayo for small AN after balance and slight hearing issues.  Progressive hearing loss following GK.
3/09 - facial spasms began.  MRI shows tumor growth.
9/09 - MRI shows further growth.  "GK failure."  Translab 10/1/09 success!  BAHA 10/8/10.


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2010, 04:05:40 pm »
Denise -

IMO, what you think of the BAHA demo will be a big deciding factor for you - it was for me.

I tried it about 4 months post op and was totally amazed by it.  I sat in the exam room with the demo on my head and my doc told me to put my finger tight inside my "good" ear.  Once I did, he talked to me very quietly.  He was sitting on my SSD side and I heard every word he said - and I hear the words clearly!  :o  It was truly an amazing moment for me and at that point I knew that the BAHA was definitely for me.

The day my insurance company said they would pay for the surgery and the device, I felt like I'd won the lottery!  I couldn't schedule my surgery soon enough.  At the end of my surgery I was so stoked that I could have walked out of the OR on my own two feet.  I was SO thrilled!   ;D

My BAHA Gotcha Day was another red-letter day.  When the audiologist was done with me, I sat in a little grotto outside the hospital where my doc has an office and listened to things I hadn't fully heard in the 9 months since my AN surgery.  There was water tricking down a little waterfall, birds chirping, airplanes flying overhead, etc., etc.  Just little things, but things I'd been missing for much longer than I ever wanted to miss them.

Some people don't like the demo - it's happened once here on the Forum from what I recall, and my doc said he's had patients not like it - but in my book it was one of the best things I ever did for myself.

I realize that others adjust very well to being SSD, but I was not one of them.  I went there kicking and screaming - so to speak.  And I never realized how depressed it was making me until the day I tried the demo.

Good luck with your search, I hope you find something you like as well as I like my BAHA.

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2010, 07:31:06 pm »
I have my consult and demo on 1/21, so I'll let you know how it goes.  I'm very encouraged by your experience, Jan, and am hoping for the best too!

GK 5/06 at Mayo for small AN after balance and slight hearing issues.  Progressive hearing loss following GK.
3/09 - facial spasms began.  MRI shows tumor growth.
9/09 - MRI shows further growth.  "GK failure."  Translab 10/1/09 success!  BAHA 10/8/10.


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2010, 09:37:19 pm »
I started using my BP 100 on Dec. 21, after the third trip to my audiologist I am getting good results. My audiologist had only programmed one other BP and she is learning and is having the company rep. come in to see if he can better satisfy me. She did make considerable effort the last time I saw her after I talked to her and told her that I had called Chochlear and talked to them about what I felt was a lack of volume. Since that last visit I have been getting a lot more hearing and I notice a difference when I don't have it on. The little buttons are a little hard to use when it's on your head and I have had trouble trying to change it to the second program and end up in the third program which cuts it off because it's for the ipod type connection. So far I have only used the second program once in a noisy place and it may have helped a little but noisy rooms continue to be difficult as I suspect they will always be for Single sided hearing folks. I did get better results in that setting than I used to with my bi-cross hearing aids and it's so nice not to have those things in my ears.


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2010, 07:13:49 am »
Hang in there, Richey.  Better days are coming. 

The BP100 has had issues - basically because Cochlear is still working out the bugs - but in the end they all seem to turn out fine.  Lisa (Sefra22) has quite a few posts about her programming issues with her BP100, but thankfully I think her issues have all been worked out.

From what I've heard Cochlear will replace any BP100s that they can't work the bugs out of, so that's on your side also.

Please keep us updated,

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2010, 05:21:39 pm »
Just an update that I did the demo this week and was actually a little disappointed.  The doctor did say that those with gradual hearing loss, as I've had, don't sense that big of difference because we've adapted in many ways already.  I used the demo in my office and couldn't tell much difference (but really haven't struggled there much anyway).  I also tried it at home and had my husband whisper in my ear  ;)--that I could tell!  I think the volume wasn't turned up enough, actually, although I tried to adjust it.  I had pretty much decided before I did the demo that this is something I would do, and now I'm kind of on the fence.  Another thing to consider is the cost.  My first one will be covered since it's considered surgery, but replacements are not and she said they last about five years.  I expect technology will continue to improve these devices as well as their lifetime.  I think I'm just not ready yet but probably will be down the road. 

GK 5/06 at Mayo for small AN after balance and slight hearing issues.  Progressive hearing loss following GK.
3/09 - facial spasms began.  MRI shows tumor growth.
9/09 - MRI shows further growth.  "GK failure."  Translab 10/1/09 success!  BAHA 10/8/10.


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Re: BP 100 quality issues? What is your experience?
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2010, 08:29:38 pm »
Just an update that I did the demo this week and was actually a little disappointed.  The doctor did say that those with gradual hearing loss, as I've had, don't sense that big of difference because we've adapted in many ways already. 

Denise -

Kaybo tried the BP100 demo @ the ANA Symposium in August and didn't find it impressive either; anyone who has been SSD for any length of time doesn't sense a big difference immediately, but usually does over time.

As for a BAHA device (processor) only lasting 5 years, I would have to disagree.  I have had my Divino for 2 1/2 years now and have never had a problem with it.  Others on the Forum - I'm imaging Sam Rush, joef, and more - have had their processors longer.

I think Cochlear is on a path to come out with upgrades every 5 - 7 years, but that does not mean that the other older devices would become obsolete; the upgrades just have more bells and whistles. The BP100 came out in August 2009 and the rep @ the Symposium said that Cochlear would continue to "maintain and support" the Divino for another 5 years.  I don't know when the Divino was first introduced, but I got mine in 2008.

You can also get maintenance contracts through Cochlear that allow you to get a new device every so many years.  I don't remember the specifics because I didn't take out a contract, but I do know there is information about this on the Cochlear Americas website.


Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways