HI Everyone,
Sorry for the delay in updating this thread. I'm 3 weeks post op now. Doing pretty good. The vertigo/balance is better than at this point after the first surgery, but definitely allot worse than it was the day before this surgery. SO unfortunately, I will have to do the vestibular rehab etc. The 6 days in the hospital were, well ya all know, they stunk big time. The nausea was incredibly bad and still is. The first few days home I was actually doing really well. I think I was wired up form the decadron. Then I hit a wall and for about 10 days I was a mess. This week has been pretty good. I've been going out walking in the driveway with my walking sticks for balance and trying to do some of the vestibular exercises while out there. Then I come in and want to throw up. It's like motion sickness. When I sitting around doing nothing the nausea is not so bad. I managed to completely escape any facial weakness, YEAH!!!! My eye is giving me a little trouble with the extra dryness, especially at night. so back to the gel. Sleeping isn't happening at night, so I sleep in in the mornings, just can't get comfortable. The darn tinnitis is even louder with some new noises, Damn! But overall, I'm doing really well and am so glad to be on the other side of this times 2. Apparently there were lots of vestibular nerve fibers left in there from surgery #1 that were stuck to the facial nerve, along with other pieces of the nerve that had been left. They assured me they remove so much stuff in there the scoundrel should not be able to find a home in there again.
Thanks everyone for cheering me on. Now just got to get well again. OH, one small bonus, lost 10lbs, and the continued nausea is keeping me from getting my appetite back.
Now , if I could just get the remaining 15 off that I gained after the first surgery.......................
Patti ut aka yootee