I want to thank each of you who gave me such honest and helpful comments and insights. I am so sorry I haven't responded sooner but please know that the posts that I have read (and the PM, Sue) have really lifted my spirits. I am feeling fairly peaceful for the past few days; maybe it's because I have so many people sending me good vibes. I am really just so grateful and wish I had the time to send each one of you a personal response. As things tend to go for me in life, I have three "biggies" happenning at once - this new AN growth; returned to school for advanced degree; and am in the middle of a complete kitchen renovation. Two out of three of those are truly GOOD things, but all kind of overwhelming when added to the already crazy schedule of full-time job, two kids, ya' know.
I have been taking some steps which were hard to take - like telling my boss that I might be out of work for two months sometime soon; scheduling an appointment with the neurosurgeon who does the SRS here at Jefferson (Dr. Andrews)to check out that option; and trying to choose the damn color for the countertops!
Anyway, just taking action and planning helps. I feel both more ready to go through with surgery in the summer and also still open to the remote possibility of continuing to watch and wait. I wonder if anyone else starts to look at all of the upcoming events in their lives and thinking about when treatment would really get in the way of important things - like my sons Bar MMitzvah for instance. I know that health comes first, but as a mom I can't help but think about how it has an impact on three other people close to me.
To answer the question that many of you asked about how much my AN grew - I don't have the numbers in front of me - but the MRI report usually describes three dimensions - one dimension did not change at all, one went from 1.5 to 1.9, and the other grew about .5 cms also. My symptoms are not hugely worse but there is a noticeable change. My hearing test showed a 10% decrease from the last test in June. When I think about delaying treatment now that I have started to get used to the idea I worry that the next growth will be discovered right in the middle of the school year (my hubbie is a teacher so he is home in the summer and that really makes summer an attractive time to deal with anything like this); or a month before the Bar Mtizvah next March......
Anyway, thank you all again. I will keep in touch. Now back to work!