UPDATEWell, I promised you all the update... so... here goes.
1. Hearing test.... still at 96% word recognition (what it was at time of CK).
Hearing remains the same... me likes that.
2. Dr. Claus (my back up NS at Brigham/Woman's), once again, walked in, beaming ear to ear after reviewing my films and hearing test results....... well, what could she say? AN "brain booger" is done. She was VERY pleased to see that the CK worked for me.
3. Chairi 1 Malformation remains stable.... no intervention needed at this time (w00t!).....
4. She left it up to me as to when I should see her next. Told her that since my 4 yr AN CK is upcoming, I wanted to do one more at the "yearly" schedule so, I wanted to do hearing test and follow up with her next year (for 5 yr ANniversary), then spread out from there. She looked at her nurse, told her "Phyl is the boss, book accordingly".... and left, still grinning from ear to ear.
In 2 wks is the AN CK ANiversary, will see Beth Israel CK radio-onc in a few wks, to get his final impressions as well.... (which he already noted I'm a "done deal").... and will put this portion of my AN journey to bed.
Me very happy! So, I thank you all for the love and support..... time to "rawk"