Author Topic: 2 months post op CK...Brain Blasts  (Read 3669 times)


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2 months post op CK...Brain Blasts
« on: January 19, 2010, 04:47:46 pm »
Hi everyone,

I thought I'd move over from pre-op to post-op.

It's been 2 months from my CK treatment.

I've really got a tin can right ear.  Sounds like an AM radio out of tune and/or constant rattling.  The tinnitus/fullness has picked up.  Does/did anyone get "brain blasts".  I'll describe them as feeling like a surge of blood or pain inside your head and making you feel out of it for a moment or two?  They come sometime come in pairs and/or three at time.  They seem to be less when I'm up moving around and getting the blood flowing or balance working???


AN 2.2cm x 1.6cm right side.  Diagnosed 9/09.  CyberKnife treatment at St. Joseph's Hospital St. Paul MN 11/09.  Single Sided Deaf (SSD) Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia since 06/13


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Re: 2 months post op CK...Brain Blasts
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 10:39:12 am »
Hi, Bob....I can relate.  I'm 3 mos. post-CK.  Had an MRI three days ago.  No change in tumor...but the good news:  No residual negative effects from the radiation. 

HOWEVER...the tinnitus in my head seems to be getting louder..and two nights ago...just sitting...a warm sensation in my affected ear...and for a moment it felt like my head was going to explode.  It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity.  A little frightening. Of course, this happened AFTER I saw the Doctor and AFTER the MRI... Thought perhaps it was the dye they used for contrast.  This was not the first time I've experienced this sensation...but it was, by far, the most severe.

As far as balance issues are concerned, when I asked the Doc about it, he said "the tumor is pressing on the balance nerve...that may not change for a long time."   So I guess it's just "wait and see" if the CK treatment does it's thing, and actually reduces the tumor.  I was told that all my symptoms would stay the same, for whatever length of time.  NOT good news...but it's best to know the truth.  Hoping you continue to "stay warm" in's been a really different "winter" for us in Florida...much colder than usual. 
Have a good day....



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Re: 2 months post op CK...Brain Blasts
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2010, 08:56:42 pm »
I've found that taking ibuprofen and Tylenol throughout the day help.  I'm also on an extended dose of steroids.  Getting up and moving around and exercising helps as well.

Most likely my symptoms have increased because of swelling.

The good news is that the MRI showed my tumor has darkened.  Which typically means the cells are changing and hopefully turning lifeless. 

I was in FL in December.  Yes, colder than normal.  It was up here too.  Actually we got a good warm up (30s) and some rain today to go on top of the snow and now it's become ice.
AN 2.2cm x 1.6cm right side.  Diagnosed 9/09.  CyberKnife treatment at St. Joseph's Hospital St. Paul MN 11/09.  Single Sided Deaf (SSD) Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia since 06/13


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Re: 2 months post op CK...Brain Blasts
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2010, 09:32:03 pm »
Hi Bob,

congrats on 2 mos post-CK. As you know, by doing your homework, you are in the timeframe that if things are going to crop up, they may. I did not have "brain blasts" but I have been diagnosed with 3 different kinds of migraines.  Please be careful with the mix of OTC meds (ie: ibuprofen and Tylenol) as they both have those nasty side affects (ie: stomach irritation, liver issues, etc), esp in combo with steroids (not sure which ones you are on... ie: Decadron, Medrol Dosepak, Prednisone, etc).

I can share that the first 3-9 mos, I did have the occassional issues crop up (ie: enhanced tinnitus, balance issues, etc) but for me, they did calm down substantially after that 9 mos post-CK.  May your issues subside soon and sending wishes for continued wellness and as we say around here, "tumah death" :)

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: 2 months post op CK...Brain Blasts
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2010, 03:26:23 pm »
FYI, for those of you wondering.  The "brain blasts" have subsided a couple months ago and life goes on!  Bob
AN 2.2cm x 1.6cm right side.  Diagnosed 9/09.  CyberKnife treatment at St. Joseph's Hospital St. Paul MN 11/09.  Single Sided Deaf (SSD) Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia since 06/13

Jim Scott

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Re: 2 months post op CK...Brain Blasts
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2010, 03:43:40 pm »
FYI, for those of you wondering.  The "brain blasts" have subsided a couple months ago and life goes on!

Bob ~

Glad to read this!  Thanks for the heads-up.  May your recovery continue, unimpeded.

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.