I had not posted on this thread before because I really had nothing to add. I am so proud of all of you with your dedication to exercise!
Due to degenerative disc disease (totally unrelated to the AN), coupled with my balance issues (definitely related to my two brain surgeries), exercising has been very painful and difficult. Unfortunately I let pain dictate my activity level. After several weeks of physical therapy for my back, I signed up with a personal trainer at the Y who was knowledgeable about disc disease. He designed a program for me to strengthen my core muscles without hurting my back. I have been doing this program (15-20 minutes on the treadmill, followed by selected Nautilus machines) for over a month now and what a difference!!! I am not pain free, but there is a huge improvement in my overall strength and mobility ..... I am ecstatic! I had been walking before on a nearby track to try to exercise but I was always afraid of falling. On the treadmill and machines I feel safe so my balance problems are a non-issue with this exercise regimen.
Just wanted to share this for others out there who might be afraid of falling.