Author Topic: let's run! or walk! or something....  (Read 434723 times)


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #585 on: December 13, 2010, 09:15:00 pm »
Long time no type. I think about you all much more than I'm on to say. I finally had a chance to catch up the other day and that's when the forum was down!

We've been going through a lot this past year with teenage daughter depression problems, but things have improved and I have more time. So I want to get back into checking in here.

You all are doing great - I'm proud of ANISSA and the 5K's!   And SARALYNN and all that fat / weight loss and keeping up with your BFL program.  PRISCILLA - 5x a week. I wish I worked out 5x a week!!  CLARICE with the progress and feeling better with the workouts you're doing! So glad you've joined us and you're feeling better. You're still at it, right? (you told us to keep you moving)!  CINDY - how's the half marathon training going? I know it's hard to train in the winter. But it's awful in the summer too! Hope the weather cooperates for you. SOUNDY - your workouts are very creative! I hope you are feeling better.  JAN - you're always an inspiration. Even if you take a break (not wanting to but just getting busy, etc) you always come right back. That helps encourage me a lot.  JILL - i'm so glad you're keeping up with everyone and sending loads of encouragement (and BARKING ORDERS when needed).
and KAYBO! don't get discouraged by those fitness training apparatusses (is that a word? probably not) that you work your butt off on forever and then it says '200 calories burned.' Don't think of that stuff. I know you are busy; don't get discouraged if you can't do as much as you'd like. I'm glad LIZ and DALE and CAPN DEB have joined us as well!!   PATRICK - he's probably run his 2nd 20 miler by now in training for his marathon at the end of January. Way to Go!

I'm going to continue on another post because the screen is bouncing around.



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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #586 on: December 13, 2010, 09:35:15 pm »
I hope I didn't leave anyone out! Now that it's getting cold and everyone is busy busy with holidays, it's hard to stay/get motivated. So let's keep sharing.

I've been trying to bike more. I'll sometimes bike to run errands - it really limits how much I spend at the grocery store, for example. The other day I got to the store and needed a few things. Then I remembered I need a bag of charcoal. And some eggs. Somehow I got the bag, and eggs and a dozen other things stuff in my backpack. Was thankful i didn't need milk and cat litter as well. I got home without crashing my bike or crushing the eggs.

Someone said in a earlier post you have to make time not find time. I know some of you think that just because I run marathons that I'm some kind of running machine; I'm not! The reason I sign up for those is so I'll stick with it. I am so undisciplined by nature... I do everything at the last minute or obsess on something (like music - that's my passion) and don't divide my time up well. I usually reserve Saturday mornings for a long run but during the week it's SO HARD for me just to go run, even for like 20-30 minutes. If I just did it in the morning and got it over with, I'd feel so much better. But I put it off all day long. (I work from home, so that's good and bad for stuff like this.) Today I dressed to go run and everything and never made it out the door. Now I'm sitting by the fire sipping wine, catching up with y'all and wishing I had run!

So, tomorrow... I will GO RUN! And if I don't please yell at me (Jill Marie!)
OK - even though I've been gone a while, I need the encouragement and also hearing from you all about what you are doing and how you are doing!

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #587 on: December 14, 2010, 08:15:40 am »
Keri .....

Eggs and a bag of charcoal on a bike ...... talk about balance?!?   ;D ;D ;D  You gave me a good chuckle to start my day!

You are an inspiration to me and I am so glad things are going better at home with your daughter.

Yes, I am still going to the Y three times a week ..... although I didn't go yesterday because of the snow/ice we had.  Walking on snow over ice is not a good combination for me.  I am feeling the missed day today so it really does help!

It is the Season of many musical events, with many extra rehearsals ..... just wish all of that energy would translate into burning lots of additional calories.  Alas, my weight is NOT coming down!  :'(  OK, I don't need the sermon on eating less ......   ::) :o :-*

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #588 on: December 14, 2010, 03:52:19 pm »
Does POWER shopping count??  I was practically running thru the mall trying to get stuff done before the girlies got out of school - talk about mall walking!!

K   ;D
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #589 on: December 16, 2010, 12:59:53 pm »
Keri ... I too have to schedule a walk , like the heart walk or Relay For Life and put it in my mind that it is an appointment that has to be kept if at all possible ... I did the Heart walk in pouring rain and we all got soaked but had a good time ...  I have to make myself do it ...

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #590 on: December 16, 2010, 10:45:45 pm »
Yes, Kay, i think power walking through malls with stuff in tow counts!
Soundy always has creative workouts too! once i did a run in the pouring rain... was glad to be done with that one. i do believe i prefer that to real hot and humid though.
Clarice - good for you and the Y. i totally understand about the Christmas season and being so busy with music stuff! but i love it! I'm working on planning the "Lessons and Carols" type service for our church next week on Christmas eve. I love that service and all the music.  don't be discouraged about the lack of weight loss - you're building muscle and that weighs more! sometimes i don't get how i don't seem to lose any weight when i'm running a lot. but the thing is, we are feeling so much better when we work out and it's doing so much good for us.

Now that it's snowy and icy, this is getting difficult at times! Today, yesterday and the day before I at least did the Nordic track and some running (today in the snow). I knew I'd need to get back on here and 'report' so that's what kept me motivated. I just did short workouts - about 30 minutes each.

Patrick - how goes the marathon training??? In a few weeks you get to taper! I like that part.

Have a good week, everyone!

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #591 on: December 17, 2010, 12:44:45 pm »
I have to get creative to get myself moving ... farm walks are off right now because I am not tolerating the cold ... and I enjoy them

how besides hoping to lose weight do you all get motivated ??? ... I lack the drive some people have ...

there is a man in town walks to work each morning , showers and puts on his days clothes and his wife gives him a ride home ... thing is he lives about 15 miles out ...his motivation is a heart attack about 20 years ago and the doctor told him he was to sedentary and need to exercise so he took up walking ... and for him it has become an obsession ... he is muscled out now and doesn't lose weight but the first year he walked ,he dropped about 100 pounds ( he was a big boy)  ...

have a fiend who after a month rewards herself with a big lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant if she has lost weight ... be it a pound or 5 pounds ... this just doesn't seem productive maybe after each 10 pounds would be better

anyway ... give us some ideas about what motivates you to move ...
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #592 on: December 17, 2010, 10:43:12 pm »
that mexican food sounds GOOD!

i think my motivations are: i exercise so i can eat! i don't really diet, but when i exercise i try to be a bit more aware of what i eat, but i know i can eat some good stuff because i exercise. as i've moved into middle age, i certainly don't have the metabolism that i used to, and the running i do doesn't make me skinny or looking like i did when i was 20, but i'm sure it helps some.
also - it just makes me feel better. i just need to remember that more when i'm procrastinating about running.
i know with some people it's a social thing too - my hubby's best friends all run. they run together and talk and talk. i don't really have a running buddy like that, but it helps when you do.
and it's also nice to set goals and work towards acheiving them - even if you don't run as fast as you want or lose as much weight, or whatever, at least you're doing something.
that was a good question, soundy. i think everyone has vacated this exercise thread and has joined the cookie recipe thread! 
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #593 on: December 20, 2010, 08:17:13 am »
I got new tennis shoes (& they did the whole free evaluation) so now I HAVE to get with it! I found a "hidden stash" while helping Mom (the one time wasn't packing dishes!) & she let me keep the money - yipee!! I'd like to start now but don't know if it'll happen until things get back to our regular schedule. At least my feet feel great in the meantime!! I got much needed new inserts too!

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #594 on: December 20, 2010, 08:32:04 am »
This is the final week of my Body for Life challenge. I switched things up since Saturday is Christmas and the gym will be closed, so cardio is MWF this week, with lower body workout tomorrow and upper body Thursday.

I am not going to have one of those super chiseled outcomes in only twelve weeks, but the belly roll and the little fat lines on my back are gone, so I am happy. I will do my final weigh-in Friday and anticipate about a ten-pound loss. But I know I have added muscle so it will be more than 10 pounds of fat loss. I'm happy! I plan to start a second challenge January 3, sticking with MWF cardio and two weight workouts.
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #595 on: December 20, 2010, 10:00:57 am »
I think I found some inspiration to move coming home from church yesterday ... that is after stopping at feed store and the girls deciding they wanted a baby Dumbo Rat for Christmas  :o ...they were kinda sweet and cuddly ... one crawled up under my hair and fell asleep while I walked around through the store ...

anyway ... there is a trail built on am old railroad bed ... it is now open to bikes had been open to walking and horse only ... I have graduated from having to used one training wheel to ride ... can now balance without tipping ... so now I just need a bike so me and girls can ride together ... Oh Santa, please bring me a bike
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Translab July 2 ,2007
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #596 on: December 20, 2010, 03:48:48 pm »
I hope you get your bike, Soundy.

The rat in the hair thing is a little more than I would be able to handle. "Sweet and cuddly" and "rat" are just not ideas that I can reconcile.

MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #597 on: December 20, 2010, 06:07:24 pm »
yes, i remember i used to have a pet mouse named 'mimi' (after my grandmother; i'm sure she was thrilled). it used to crawl around on my neck under my hair. now the thought of that, well it's just not too appealing!

good for you sara on your completion and your starting up another challenge. is it the same type of thing or do you go to another level or do something different? you've inspired me to do more strength training type of stuff (well, i haven't started yet, but i hope to when i sign off here). i won't get to a gym, but if i strengthened my 'core' then that will help my running, so i'm told. i want to get back to doing simple (but hard)! things like push ups and sit ups.

kay - good for you on the shoes! and, you're right, it's probably wise not to expect too much of yourself starting a new training program right before christmas, but afterwards...

and, soundy, i hope you get a bike too!

i didn't do a long run this past weekend, and christmas day will be right out. i hope, or i should say i'm GOING to do one sometime THIS WEEK! and i hope you all hold me to it. or i may just follow the advice i just gave kay and wait until after christmas; this week's too crazy. i still want to run, but not do a long run of an hour +.

have a good week!
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #598 on: December 21, 2010, 10:38:07 am »
the rats were clean and had no smell ... and were kinda cute and cuddly ... I had a rat about 15 years ago that walked on a ferret leash and when Belle felt threatened she would climb up my body and sit on my head ... got alot of odd looks ...but for now a rat is out ... Bo who has been busily feeding rats that have found their way into the attic (something new for us ) and locating where they got in is not convinced that we need a rat ... second option was a baby llama that was about knee high and being raised on a bottle ... and Bo is also of the opinion that Ozzie who is 10 and Oscar who is 13 ( his feline children)  would look at a rat as dinner ... not that I have seen either ever attempt to catch a mouse or rat ...and  I am not sure we need anything else around here that needs to be fed anyway

I hinted that I would like  a bike and Santa said maybe after first of the year ... he claims he has to finish paying land  taxes before December 31 so he can take them off on farm taxes ... who knew Santa had to pay land tax or that he had a farm ... I guess he raises his own reindeer for his sleigh replacements
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Translab July 2 ,2007
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #599 on: December 21, 2010, 01:25:48 pm »
I'm pretty sure Santa has a Christmas tree farm. I suppose it would be feasible to raise reindeer as well.

Santa and I have been business partners for years. I make present labels for him on my computer.
MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
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