Author Topic: let's run! or walk! or something....  (Read 434729 times)


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #645 on: January 15, 2011, 04:39:48 pm »
Even I got out today for a nice long walk....after being holed up in my house while it was 40 outside.  I am glad to see the sunshine again.  I need to make up for all those days I chose to hibernate :)

Diagnosed  left AN 8/07/08, 1.9 CM
Surgery 12/10/08 at Methodist Hospital w/Vrabec and Trask for what turned out to be a cpa meningioma.


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #646 on: January 16, 2011, 03:44:01 pm »
good for you, priscilla!

thanks for the YELLING, patrick!! i did get out... ran a paved trail near my house - it was probably low 40's.. a bit of snow still on the ground; pretty. i ran from noon to about 3:00 and will call it 15 miles. i had a friend join me for about an hour. that was really nice. was glad i did it. then came home and watched the ravens lose : (   : (   but what a game.

1.5 left side; hearing loss; translab scheduled for 1/29/09 at Univ of MD at Baltimore
My head feels weird!!

Jill Marie

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #647 on: January 19, 2011, 11:38:06 pm »
Mid week check in!

Jan - Get movin, when life lets ya, I know you want to get back at it, we just can't sometimes

Pat -  Good job on getting Keri moving and of course on your continued running

Priscilla - Bet it felt great to break out of the house, I wanted to get out last weekend but I was sick, hoping for good weather this weekend

Keri - I feel better now, not 100% but hoping to be back to normal by this weekend.  When you get to biking feel free to ask me questions, if I don't have an answer I'm sure my Hubby will.  Can't believe you ran 15 miles Saturday, riding that long does me in.  If you need inspired this weekend let us know.

Got a question for all you workout friends, I realize you're not doctors so just looking for opinions.  I started doing the weight machines last week, between the weights and being sick(coughing) my chest and stomach muscles were pretty sore.  Took the weekend off, did weights Monday, felt ok, then did them again Tuesday and had to put the heating pad on most of the evening.  So the question is, should I keep doing the same weights, do a little less or wait a day or two before I do them again?

I don't do New Year's Resolutions but I did decid today that this year I will meet my goal.  I don't have a target weight I have a measurement goal.  This year, one way or another I will have a stomach measurement that is less then my chest measurement.  If I don't reach my goal through exercise and weights by July, I will have to resort to implants!  Jill :o  
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 09:09:30 pm by Jill Marie »
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #648 on: January 20, 2011, 06:17:56 am »
I was doing great and going everyday my kids were in school but then I didn't go yesterday - I have had some fever - think I may have a touch of the flu.  I AM going to feel better today (I have to - I have a hair appointment!) but I am still not going to work out.  I had the 1st part of my assessment, and even though I did horrible and am OBESE, I rocked on the flexibility.  The trainer couldn't even believe it - it was the highest she had EVER seen anyone get.  She said she was a 12 - I was 23!!  My claim to fame!  Also, I did 29 sit-ups - certainly not good, but but not too bad for a fat girl (Dave only did 25 and he is in GREAT shape according to their test!)!  :o

K   ;D
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #649 on: January 20, 2011, 10:42:43 am »
Jill Marie, I have always been told to rest a muscle group for at least 48 hours between weight sessions. So if you do upper body one day, do lower body the next. The soreness is caused by little tears in the muscle fibers. Muscles grow stronger as they repair the little tears, so allow a little time to let them repair. That's how we are able to increase the amount of weight we lift. My advise is to rest for a day or two and continue at the same weight, increasing as you are able.
MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13

Jill Marie

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #650 on: January 21, 2011, 09:36:47 pm »
Kay - Just remember, you are on the right TRACK, it's the people that don't take that first STEP that we're worried about.  When you feel better you will get back at it and will show the trainer what you can accomplish with that flexibility. 

Sara - Thanks for the advice.  My upper body is now feeling better, however, the lower body is now complaining!  I've always done the same machines every day, will now alternate.  Thanks for explaining the why's of doing it that way.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend with some sunshine to help get you out for some sun and fun!  Jill
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #651 on: January 22, 2011, 10:15:29 pm »
i hope everyone's feeling better.

kaybo - that's an awesome score on flexibility. i'm not flexible at all; always admire people who are. 29 sit ups is great too! i'm trying to do those daily... i've not made it up to your level!

jill marie - sounds like sara has helped you with a good plan. i think it is good to do different things. even in running... i can fall into a rut of doing the same old boring route up and down the street. but it's better if i can add some hill work, distance, some speed work, etc.

i usually do a long run on saturday mornings. since it was supposed to be in the teens, i was able to arrange my schedule and get out the door at 3:00pm on friday afternoon. it was a warm 29 or so and windy. i felt pretty good and stuck it out. i slept in this morning while my husband got up and ran in the lovely cold weather. it's easy to complain, but really, i'd rather run when it's cold that when it's real hot and humid.

today, i decided to bike in the 'heat' of the day (23 degrees). i ran a little first and was warm. then got on the bike. FREEZING!!!! i forgot how easy it is to get cold on a bike even if you have on layers. took me a while to thaw out once i was done. jill, do you or your husband bike when it's cold? now i know why some retire their bikes for the winter. if i'm going to keep at it i need to get some better cold weather gear.

i hope everyone has a great weekend and fits in a workout or two!! you'll feel better once you did.

1.5 left side; hearing loss; translab scheduled for 1/29/09 at Univ of MD at Baltimore
My head feels weird!!


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #652 on: January 23, 2011, 02:59:16 pm »
Keri, good job on the run. I know exactly what you mean about biking in the cold. I hate it. I don't like bike riding in any weather lower than 50 degrees, but I'm okay doing it in the +100 degree weather we have in the summer time.  I don't know how you did it in the 20's....I have the winter gear to bike ride, but still wouldn't even think about saddling up being that cold. I like bike riding better than running, but I took up running just a few years ago so that I'd have something consistent to do during the winter. Fortunately, the winters are not that rough here is SE Texas, so I can do my bike ridiing from Feb thru Sept. This works out pretty good for my running as I can run Oct thru January and prepare for the Houston Marathon in late January every year. 

Everybody stay active and safe this week.

3.5cm left side AN; 11 hour retrosigmoid surgery 8/11/08 @ Memorial Hermann, Houston - Texas Medical Center with Drs. Chang and Vollmer; home on 8/13/08;
SSD(w/tinnitus); dry eye; Happy to be here and feeling good.


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #653 on: January 24, 2011, 12:40:58 pm »
hey patrick!!

we will be hollerin' for you as you run the houston marathon this weekend! i just looked at the weather. low 60's.. not too bad. i think 40's is ideal, but 60's is nothing to complain about, especially since more people will be out cheering if it's not too darn cold!

i hope it goes well and can't wait to hear the details! i'm sure you'll do great.

1.5 left side; hearing loss; translab scheduled for 1/29/09 at Univ of MD at Baltimore
My head feels weird!!


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #654 on: January 24, 2011, 12:52:29 pm »
Yes, Patrick, enjoy the marathon(didn't realize it was this weekend, thx for being on top of that, Keri)!  You continue to be such a great inspiration!  Do let us know how it goes...

rt side 1.5 cm - Translab on 11/07/08 Dr. Friedman & Dr. Schwartz of House Ear Institute,
feeling great!

"Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you do hold."  Josh Billings


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #655 on: January 24, 2011, 01:01:34 pm »
Dave & I were wondering when it was - we might come out as I'm pretty sure Dave's brother is doing the 1/2!  GO PATRICK!!

K   ;D
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
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Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #656 on: January 24, 2011, 06:41:14 pm »
that would be great if you could go. they'll have a course map on their website online with a spectator guide - sometimes you can see them easily at two different places just by travelling a few blocks.

i know when i run a marathon, i really appreciate the people cheering. you and your girlies would make a great cheerleading squad!

1.5 left side; hearing loss; translab scheduled for 1/29/09 at Univ of MD at Baltimore
My head feels weird!!

Jill Marie

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #657 on: January 24, 2011, 09:10:15 pm »
Keri- Good idea on the Friday afternoon run, usually hard to get motivated on a Friday afternoon but sure beats running in the teens of Saturday morning, I wouldn't do it.  Can't believe you rode in the 20's, I quit riding in October when it's too dark to ride after work, same goes for my Hubby.  Right now he is riding the bike to the bus stop, wants to start getting in shape again as he remembers the pain he went through last year.  I agree with Patrick, no riding when it's cold you get the wind resistance added on and it's just plain bbbrrrrrrrr!

Speaking of Patrick - Good luck on your Houston Marathon, will be thinking about you this weekend! 

Went Geo-caching with my Hubby and the 2 dogs yesterday, we walked and walked and walked. When I went down the hill the fast way we decided to call it a day.  Then sat with the heating pad on the back of the legs, etc.  all evening while talking to my Dad then my sister on the phone.  Bike muscles aren't the same as walking muscles, so boy am I sore.  Went to the club and rode the bike, felt ok tell I got off the bike, then went and did upper body weights as recommended by Sara.  Our dogs were so tired that they didn't even beg during dinner last night.   :D :D
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #658 on: January 25, 2011, 08:59:33 am »
have gone to the gym both days this week...

K   ;D
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #659 on: January 25, 2011, 09:37:11 am »
Me too, Kay!
MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13