Author Topic: let's run! or walk! or something....  (Read 434710 times)


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #705 on: February 06, 2011, 11:35:26 am »
Congrats to all of those who've kept going the past year!  Had to believe it's been a year since this thread started.

As for me, my exercise lately has been shoveling snow - we got 2 or 3 more inches this morning and will get a few more tomorrow - cleaning, and moving boxes.

I'm hopeful that in the next few weeks I'll be back to running again.  I miss it!

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #706 on: February 06, 2011, 03:26:02 pm »
Enough snow already! I definitely feel the muscles that I used for shoveling, but I am happy to say that although I am aware they were used more than normal, I am not sore. Tomorrow morning I am going to make my husband to go to the gym with me. Well, I'll ask, but he has no choice but to go.
MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13

Jill Marie

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #707 on: February 06, 2011, 10:01:59 pm »
Back to work tomorrow, UGH!

Sara - The work out went well, stayed at the higher level on the bike despite knowing I would do weights too!  Did the upper body and just a couple of of the lower body, ones I really want to work on.  Feel great not sore at all.  Congratulations on the medical screenings, good reason to keep on doing what you're are doing and a good reason for the rest of us to keep it up.  How about we shoot for a 5 year reunion on this thread, should be interesting to see how we are all doing by then.

Soundy - So sorry to hear you're sick, had a bit of a scratchy throat this weekend but seem to be doing ok now.  Hope you feel better soon, knock off the cleaning and get lots of rest.

Jan - No rush on getting back to running except the fact that you like doing it, I'm sure you're burning plenty of calories and building muscles doing the shoveling and moving.

Cindy - Way to go on the 8 miles, that's quite a bit.  Funny you prefer the drizzle where as we were glad we had snow instead of rain while Geo-caching today.  My fingers got mighty cold though.  Yes, Spring please hurry up or at least Spring like weather. 

Going to work out on the emails now, have a great week, Jill
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #708 on: February 07, 2011, 07:05:36 am »
Was all mentally set to go back to the gym today...Addi has a 102 fever and both little girls were up in the night with tummy trouble!!  OH MY!!  I still may make it for a little while if the little ones get to school (letting them sleep now) & Dave works from home!
We'll see...

K   :-\
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #709 on: February 07, 2011, 07:13:44 am »
i just went back to page 1 of this and re-read it too (like sara had done). kay - look how far you've come! you were very reluctant waaaay back then!

jill - thanks for encouraging us all and glad you've got a system that's working.

soundy, hope you're feeling better too.

cindy- i did what you did on saturday. long run in the drizzle. it was in the mid 30's and it really didn't feel too bad (not like in the low 20's the week before). i felt reasonably warm throughout the run. but then, when i got in my car to drive home. WOW i felt miserable - all cold and wet and like i'd never warm up. by the time i got home, i could barely walk! good for you on the 8 miler.

so i ran long on saturday, and yesterday we had a nice day so i biked a bit. the trails are covered in snow and ice still. they have a couple of nice roads in parks around here that they close on weekends, so that's where i biked. it was nice.

have a good week!
1.5 left side; hearing loss; translab scheduled for 1/29/09 at Univ of MD at Baltimore
My head feels weird!!


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #710 on: February 07, 2011, 07:16:54 am »
sorry you have the creeping crud now K ... hope you didn't catch it from me .... I am feeling better ... my cleaning spree had more breaks than cleaning , but house does look a bit better...

played on Wii yesterday before ame ... kids beat me  >:( ... I have to practice while they are at school and get a rematch this weekend ...

no walking outside for me this week ... suppose to snow today , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday ... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... today's high is suppose to be 40 ... 39 right now ...was 42 when I got up ... suppose to be 20 by noon ... gonna be a lousy week ... poor daffodils were sticking up about and inch in the heart shape bed the girls made for Bo on his birthday in December ... after the snow they pulled their heads back in ...

kids already on bus to school ... I am hiding from school until I feel a little  better ...then I will walk in gym in the mornings  until weather decides what it is going to do ... and play with the Wii ... that is my new exercise plan ... and walking around farm which is just life not really part of the plan  
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #711 on: February 07, 2011, 08:33:55 am »
I was so excited about getting back to the gym this morning. I went to bed at a reasonable hour, got up to get dressed and wham! Four trips to the bathroom in the next fifteen minutes. No trip to the gym for me. It's been back and forth all morning. Tea, dry toast and applesauce for breakfast. I don't feel sick, but something is definitely working its way through.

I'm very proud of my husband, though. He went to the gym by himself this morning.

I like the idea of a five-year reunion, Jill. I also encourage you to see if you can check out Bill Phillips' Body for Life book out of the library. I think you would like the focused exercise plan.

MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #712 on: February 07, 2011, 12:33:54 pm »
Well, I eased back into it after a 6 day layoff. I ran a 10K (6.2M) Saturday for my first exercise since the marathon, and then my buddy and I started MS150 training and did a 26 mile bike ride in the hills around Fayetteville, TX yesterday. Even though bike riding up the hills over there isn't easy, it was not nearly as tough (or slow) as covering the 26 miles in the marathon.

I know it's tough on a lot of you getting around to do stuff with all the inclement weather around, but glad to see most everyone doing something....even shoveling ice/snow. I know that's not easy....I remember doing that living in Oklahoma a few years back, and it can be a good workout.

Be active and stay safe everybody.

3.5cm left side AN; 11 hour retrosigmoid surgery 8/11/08 @ Memorial Hermann, Houston - Texas Medical Center with Drs. Chang and Vollmer; home on 8/13/08;
SSD(w/tinnitus); dry eye; Happy to be here and feeling good.

Jill Marie

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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #713 on: February 11, 2011, 10:49:53 pm »
First off I must say how glad I am that you are taking it easy after your marathon Patrick, as you say, you have eased into it by doing a 10k run and a 26 mile bike ride, I'd hate to have you as my trainer if that's what you call easing into it.

Soundy - How is the WII competition going?  Good plan to work on it while the kids are at school, you'll beat them in no time.

Kay - So sorry to hear that you couldn't work out because of the kids, sorrier still that the kids are sick, mine are 28 and 31 and I still feel bad when they do.  Hopefully you are all up and running soon.

Keri - Sounds like you are doing really good with your exercise program, one advantage to being out in the bad weather is that hardly anyone else is out there so you can go at your own pace. 

Sara - How are you feeling, hope it's nothing serious.  Will check out the body for Life book when I'm feeling better. 

I got kicked off the exercise wagon, I was hanging on for dear life Wednesday and hit the ground Thursday.  Had a sore throat over the weekend and when I got up for work on Monday I knew it was going to be a long day. I was coughing like crazy and my head hurt.  Worked out that night, did the bike Tuesday, shouldn't have.  Wednesday I told myself to do what I told Soundy to do, take it easy.  Took the dogs for a nice little walk, did them good and didn't do me in.  Thursday I took a nap instead of working out.  Here it is Friday, Picked up dinner instead of working out, hope to rest over the weekend so I can get back to it.  Those are the highlights, will spare you the details.  Jill :(
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #714 on: February 12, 2011, 08:56:47 am »
Wii competition is set for tomorrow afternoon ... I am improved but think I will still get beat
but good news is my Brain Age on DSi XL averages  38 for language and 39 for math over last month ...
the girls score ages in mid 50s ... seeing I am 49 I am proud of that one ... their brains should be quicker
than mine  right after surgery I would test in the 80s or 90s and get mad at those games ... so my body is
not getting a work out lately but brain is ...

due to snow we let out early on Wednesday and shut down Thursday and Friday ... snow gone but there are still alot
of iced over roads where our back roads don't get sun ... took me an hour and a half to get to town yesterday to
pick up my GS cookie troop order ...usually takes about 15 -20 minutes ... got turned around by ice twice before
taking a round about way to get out of our neck of the woods ... suppose to get to 50* today and 57* tomorrow so
all ice should be gone Monday so we can get back to school ... short version ... I didn't get my miles in at school
would have walked down road but there was to much ice and landing on frozen pavement didn't seem worth trying

Today Sarah has a basket ball game at noon ... gotta get off here and take 200 some odd boxes to two of my girls  so
they can get them delivered and get money back to me ... right now I am responsible for $2184 worth of cookies ... faster
the girls get the money in my hands the happier I will be ...makes me a nervous wreck every year until all money is turned in ...

lets go get day started ... gotta get home and get some Wii practice in for big competition tomorrow
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #715 on: February 12, 2011, 09:04:38 am »
this is dream kitchen for those who want to lose a few pounds ... can't get in to cook , can't eat ...
and there is no fridge , so you can't store extra ice cream or other goodies
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #716 on: February 12, 2011, 02:27:05 pm »
I went to the gym Tues, Wed and Thurs and even did some  new, nifty machines!  Yesterday I was OUTSIDE for a photo class from 10-1 trapsing all over the park in the frigid weather - now I know it wasn't NEAR as cold as a lot of y'all have ween but it was below freezing and I am a baby when it comes to being cold!!

It is BEAUTIFUL here today though, & suppose to be 70 tomorrow!

K   ;D
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #717 on: February 13, 2011, 08:43:34 am »
already 41 here and headed to 60 ... Thursday morning it was in single digit temps

may get on one of the girls bikes later and ride off down the road ...
been looking at bikes since Santa said I could have one but hasn't delivered yet ...then me and the girls
can all ride ... right now only two can go ... sometimes 13 year old jogs along behind us ...or out front 
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #718 on: February 14, 2011, 07:08:05 am »
Made it to the gym this morning after nearly two weeks off due to snow and illness. So nice not to have to bundle up.
MVD for hemifacial spasm 6/2/08
left side facial paresis
 12/100 facial function - 7/29/08
 46 - 11/25/08
 53 - 05/12/09
left side SSD approx. 4 weeks
 low-frequency hearing loss; 85% speech recognition 7/28/08
1.8 gram thin profile platinum eyelid weight 8/12/08
Fitted for scleral lens 5/9/13


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Re: let's run! or walk! or something....
« Reply #719 on: February 14, 2011, 08:04:47 am »
Fixin' to go change to go to the gym after I take Addi...I don't want to...

K   ;D
*whiner today*
Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!