Hi Nancy-
In response to your question about why I'm traveling all the way to Wisconsin (good question!), I have seen several other facial therapists in the last year and a half and feel that I've exhausted the limited local resources. Jackie has the reputation of being among the best in the country in working with facial palsy patients. She doesn't typically see anyone before a year post op which is why I didn't see her initially. I just want to give myself the best possible chance for a good outcome - even if it means traveling to Wisconsin in the dead of winter.
Inappropriate facial movement (synkinesis) is when you move one muscle and another one also moves - example, when I blink my right eye, the right side of my mouth pulls up and my right cheek bunches up. Likewise, when I smile, my right eye tries to close. This is simply a matter of the nerves healing a bit "wrong" and sending the wrong message to the muscles. With diligent hard work, the prognosis for overcoming this is good - no cure, just control.
If your issue is
no movement, you may just need more time. That said, it would probably be a good thing to see a facial therapist as they can give you some do's and don'ts to minimize your risk for synkinesis. Hang in there!