Thanks Everyone! You are all so wonderful! I can't believe it's less than a week away now.
James, I think HEI was only about a month or so out for scheduling my surgery. Not too long. There are some really great links to other people's blog's regarding questions to ask. Here's my list. Hope it helps and saves you a little bit of time.
Surgery Questions:
1. How many VM’s have you removed this year? How many do you typically do in a week?
2. What surgical approach do you recommend for my tumor size, location, age, health, and level of hearing? Do I have enough hearing to even try to preserve?
3. What are your success rates for preserving the facial nerve in cases such as mine? What is the likelihood I will sustain facial nerve damage? Temporary, how long? Permanent?
4. Do you anticipate total tumor removal?
5. Can you tell if my tumor is coming off the vestibular nerve? How much outside the IAC? Location?
6. How do you measure the size of my tumor, ie: what measurement comes first, the largest?
7. Who monitors the facial nerve during surgery?
8. What is the rate of surgical complications given my particular situation? Headache, bleeding, CSF leak, and infection?
9. Who will be on my surgical team? What are each of their jobs? Do you do the entire surgery, or do you switch back and forth with the neuro?
10. Who will be present in the OR? Any students? Who will be operating on me?
11. With the TransLab, do you fill the void with anything besides fat? Titanium mesh also, or not?
12. When you take the fat from my stomach, where from? How big of a scar? Do you put a draining tube in or stitches?
13. How many times will you come to visit my family, or send updates to my family during the surgery?
14. How long do you anticipate the surgery to take given my particular tumor size?
15. What should I expect when I wake up from surgery?
16. Which Dr’s will be doing the follow up in the hospital?
17. How discomfort should I expect from pain after this surgery? Dizziness?
18. What medications will I be getting? Steroids? Side effects?
19. How long can I expect to be ICU? In recovery at the hospital? When will I get the stitches removed? How long do I need to stay in the area? Ok to fly home?
20. Will I have an MRI after surgery? How often should I get them thereafter?
21. Can my son come to see me at the hospital after surgery? How long after surgery do you typically recommend?
22. Will I be sharing a room? With how many people?
23. Can I tour the hospital area where I will be?
24. What will be done for the pre-op? Can I get copies of all of my pre-op bloodwork, chest x-rays, EKG. And the surgery report?
25. If you had an acoustic neuroma, who would you trust to perform surgery on you? Who do you recommend for a second opinion?