We all want some level of understanding from any type of human contact...or even from our pets. Come home and your dog bites you, that's not what you expect. But, we all have different levels of "understanding". If your physician was the patient, his level of understanding would be very different than his lack of human kindness is here...but you are the patient. You were the one that was hurting. I was a cop for eight years, and worked in a drug ridden neighborhood. The people were the worst of the worst. I soon lost any thoughts of compassion for these people (and their victims), and this just carried over into my personal life. I lost my "understanding" of human compassion, and I became a hard and cold person. One day I looked in the mirror, and decided I did not like my cold heart. I quit my job as a cop. I'm sure that a lot of the victims of the druggies in that neighborhood thought I was an awful big jerk...and I was. They wanted me to understand how much they were hurting, because their 12 year old daughter was a prostitute so she could buy heroin, or that their 15 year old son quit school, because he was earning more in one day selling drugs than his dad earned in a week.
Not making excuses for you physician, but he sounds like he is where I used to be. He has no human compassion left in his heart. I would rather be in your shoes (or mine too) rather than be in his. Don't let him drag you into his quagmire. His job has resolved into a scientific exploration of peoples head, rather than healing people. Hopefully he will look in the mirror one day, and change his life.