Brian, I had numbness when I finally got my diagnosis, and sad to say, it didn't go away after my GK treatment. My trigeminal nerve is doing a tango with the AN and thus, it shall be, forevermore. It would be a toss up if I could get rid of one thing - the numbness or the tinnitus. The loss of hearing isn't even in the top 2! ha Even though I'm grateful that I had GK and didn't have to go through surgery, I'm always going to wonder if a good surgeon would have made that issue better. I suspect the tinnitus would still be around, and of course, my hearing was already shot by the time of treatment, so that wouldn't have changed. But it's highly annoying to go through life with this "sunburned" feeling face, the taste in my mouth and the burnt tongue thing. So, I sympathize with you very much. Knowing what I know now, I'd probably still chose GK, tho. But, your AN is larger than mine is. At 2.6 cm, you might have more trouble with radiation. I wish you all the best.
Sue in Vancouver, USA