Thought this would be a good time for an update. First, for those who expressed who secretly shuddered when I mentioned 2 hours of facial stretches and another half hour of exercises - I am now doing 1 to 1 1/2 hours of stretches (two sessions of 30-45 minutes each). Most I can do while I am watching TV, so it goes pretty quick. I have had to establish a routine around this, otherwise it wouldn't get done. So, each day starts with stretching the face, and that is also how each day ends. Not so hard at all!
What is most noticeable to me now is how much BETTER my face feels! I guess that I had gotten so used to the constant tightness and soreness that it didn't even really register anymore. Kind of like any other very low level pain, you get used to it. Now, however, I am starting to feel my face loosen up and it just feel so good! My forehead has gotten much better, only a few sore spots left and that eyebrow has dropped considerably. Only one sore spot left on the chin. And, my cheek is slowly coming un-cramped!

Wow - this is what "normal" feels like!!! I am also starting to see some small improvement in the neck tightness. That's a hard muscle to stretch, so it will take awhile.
I've emailed Jackie with a few questions and she has been great about getting back to me with encouragement and suggestions. She's really terrific and I can't say enough positive things about her.
Amy, to answer your question, alot of the cheek stretching involves getting several fingers of one hand in that side of my mouth, while keeping the thumb pressed on the outside. By gently pinching the cheek between the thumb and fingers and pulling down towards the mouth, I can get a good stretch going. I do that all over the cheek area and stop and hold when I feel a thickening or feel a sore spot. Right now, my right cheek is still much more dense than my non-AN left side, but I am seeing changes. As for the chin, what i do there is press forefinger at different spots on the chin - whenever I find a sore spot, I just press and hold until the soreness subsides. I'm also spending a lot of time on the long muscle that runs down the front and side of the neck since it pulls the chin and mouth down.
Slow and steady wins the race... Yes, yet another hard-won lesson in patience for one of the planet's most impatient people!
Debbi, working on my grin...