Hi everyone. Just wanted to give an update on my headache status. After having a cervical mri and a full examination by my husband''s
chiropractor, I have just finished my 2nd week of chiro treatment. I am happy to say that my neck muscles are much looser, I have better range of motion in my neck and best of all I have had some headache relief. Instead of my 1-2 daily severe headaches, I have been having my headaches every other day and sometimes every 2 days. And when I do get them they are not severe, more mild to moderate. The chiro expects even better results in the comings month or two. So right now I am happy to say that I am having some relief, thank goodness. I am continuing treatment 2 times a week and hopeful of even more sucess. My stomach is happy that I am not filling it with drugs and yesterday and so far today have been headache free. Yay for me