I never saw movement until 5 months...
I did develop some synkenisis but with therapy now we are seeing even that improve.
Here I am at 2 1/2 years and I am
still getting “new†facial movements return.

My surgeon told me it would take “
6 months†for the face to come back. The follow up doctor he assigned me said it could be from “
3 months to 3 years†and that my surgeon “
tells everyone 6 monthsâ€â€¦ This follow up doctor also told me I would never be able to ride a bike and turn my head to sight see at the same time without loosing my balance. I told my surgeon about the “
3 years†and he said that was “
ridiculous!â€. (It is frustrating, to the patient, when medical colleagues contradict each other.) Well it turns out that the follow up doctor was dead wrong about the balance recovery but sadly right about the facial nerve recovery. The truth is no one knows the “exact†time frame, as each patient is SOOH different.
I wore the eye weight and used eye “goop†and drops for a year... now I do not need
anything for the eye. (However it does not tear with sappy movies or chopping onions -yet). We are all different in recovery and there is no numerical formula.
Facial nerve recovery is
slower than watching the paint dry on a rainy day...

slower than
pouring molasses in yesterday’s Washington DC snowstorm (ie a cold winters day)

… s
lower than watching a Pacific Northwest banana slug cross the wet sidewalk in February…
Many of us
understand and have been there.
It is actually healthy to wail out loud and NOT keep feelings in.Hang in there…
it is still EARLY at 4 months.Let it come back
on its own and do NOT force the placid face muscles into place with your hands as the nerve tissues are as delicate at a butterfly wing and you could cause damage. Do not start any deep message or forced movement, with hands on face, until there are concrete signs of movement… as this can do more damage than good. My synkenisis started around the time I started to sleep on my AN tumor removed side… I am thinking that it MAY be best to NOT sleep on the placid face until muscle tone and nerve regeneration returns.
I am also going to suggest
avoid nervous system depressants such as
alcohol and take extra vitamin B12. Keep eating well and get lots of exercise to keep the blood circulating and the nerves firing
all over the body. (Exercise will also help fight off depression as many of us know that the waiting game CAN be depressing… we have been there)
We are here to get you through this…. even if only at the end of an ANA forum post.