I have a
great idea!! ÂÂ
Why don't I sic my treefrogs on your crickets??!!!  We can kill two annoyances with one stone?
Also maybe you should get an Ipod and wear it at work to drown 'em out?  Drown out all the annoying co-workers, too?
I don't know what I'd do in an office setting--I'd probably go
insane (insan
er!) I blast my Radio Margaritaville all day long in the studio to drown 'em out  And when I'm just hanging out, I blast something else.  Poor Dr. Love is always complainin' about the TV bein' too loud.
In the last issue of the HEI magazine, I saw an add for "TV Ears" that allow you to privately hear the TV or stereo volume louder than your roomate--it says it even works in a theater--which I have a hard time with.  I went to see "Syriana" and missed half the dialog cuz of the treefrogs.  Not only is the SSD annoying, but it's more than just being deaf in one ear, it's the dang frogs, crickets and the occaisional 747--you haven't got that one yet, Phyll, and I hope you don't get it!  Hope, also that your symptoms subside soon!
Hugs and Kissies,
Captain Deb