I had been leaning towards radiation. One of the doctors at HEI said to forget about radiation because there is no long term information about treating these tumors that way. I am 60 years old...he said if I was 70 or 75, then radiation would be okay, because my life expectancy would be short enough then not to worry about long term effects. There were more reasons against radiation. I read just about everything HEI has on that topic.
My early symptom was the wonky headed feeling...the room is spinning around me. The doctor that wanted to treat me with radiation said that this is a rather brutal surgery, and I could just relax and let the gamma knife do its job, and then go home. He said I would retain my hearing...but he didn't tell me that in about 6 years my hearing would probably fail...product of the radiation. The gamma knife would be much easier than the surgery. Then I met the radiation doctor, and he was far to casual about answering my questions. Questions that he could not answer, he said he would call me back after getting the information. He called me back, but beat around the bush about the answers so much that I have decided not to use those doctors or that hospital.
Surgery looks like a better choice. I live in Austin, and most people here say go to Dallas or Houston. I look on line here and find enough information to make an appointment in Houston. This doctor said he wants to do surgery...translab...I will lose my hearing, but it is not good to start with...not a huge loss. The doctor said he will keep my face working, but it will take some recovery time. One huge thing he told me is that radiation is a reliable treatment with the right circumstances, but not for me. My wonky headed life would not be improved by radiation. The balance nerve could still be alive, and providing improperly timed information to my brain. We would have just have stalled the tumor. The surgery will remove the tumor and my inner ear, leaving my good side to do the balancing. I have been doing the wonky thing for three years, so I have been relying on my good side for most of my balancing...I can stand on one leg and even walk in the dark...usually. I am expecting a call today to set my surgery date.
When I started reading this forum two months ago, I wanted an easy answer...radiation or surgery. Come on somebody, help me out. This has been driving me crazy and my wife crazy. We have cried, and we have prayed, and asked for answers that are not coming easy. I have changed my mind a handful of times about what to do. You will have to make up your own mind. Age is a consideration about radiation. Your finances will play a big part...can your be out of work for 2 months. Your general health is a biggy. Do you have a support group to help you out after surgery...and lots of other things.
What really helped me was to find someone on this forum who had good results, contact them, and listen to their story. They are not doctors, but have "been there,done that." You will find the answer that is best for you, but you won't find it over night. Now that I have made a decision, the pressure is off...at least about the decision. Talk to more than one doctor. Remember that doctors do not always tell you the entire truth, not out of deception, but every case is so different. Sometimes YOU will hear something the doctor said, or did not say, and form an opinion that has no basis. Take notes. Ask questions. Keep coming back here. This is not just a "you'll get better site." Lots of answers here. Good luck to you.