Hi, Lauren - and welcome!
To post an original topic, go to the forum's main page, i.e.
'AN Community' and in the upper right-hand corner you'll see a blue box that says
"New Topic" (to the right of "
Mark as Read' and
'Notify'). Just click on that and a blank screen will pop up. Use that to post your topic message. Don't forget to give your topic a title, preferably one that explains the topic at a glance.
We're here to inform and support other AN patients so please don't worry about asking questions - even 'tech' questions and, most of all, being stressed and anxious. We've all been where you are, now. I'm pleased to learn that you're confident about your medical team. That is critical. Of course I'm sorry you have an acoustic neuroma to deal with - but I'm looking forward to your subsequent posts. I thiank you'll feel at home, here.