(EXCERPTS) how big is your tumor? ... have brain stem involvement? any serviceable hearing in your an side?
I added my signature block ... in the first post and below.
How big is tumor? ... large ( the low end of large )
Yes, the tumor is pressing on the brain stem (pons and medulla)
No, there is no serviceable hearing on the left side. At this point I want to maximize the chance for good facial success with translab, which I know will eliminate my left hearing.
Tinnitus? I think that I have heard both ... tinnitus going away and tinnitus staying after translab
Some more about my question at the first post ..... about the phyisicans .... please see my post under
     "Dr. House / Dr. Hitselberger chosen as team --- any comments?"
     ------ in the catgegory of "Information on Physicians" ----- see my post of the morning of April 21