Capt Deb alias parrothead
After ya smack it a bit,
Go into your control panel. Click performance and maintenance, click system, click on the general tab (should default on this one anyway - then tell me whats it says towards bottom Pentium(r) and also ?ram. Up the top of that message, it should tell ya if you are running xp professional or home and does it say SP2. The solution depends on your response to above.
With PC Doctor - I'm not 100% sure coz I haven't used it but I suspect when you had it installed, you had the settings to check stuff all the time, on. That means that every time you do sopmething, particularly re the internet, it will be checking for bugs, spyware etc. This will slow your machine down. I have spyware doctor and one of the settings is for "on guard protection". If I have that on, it does slow the p.c down a bit but not that much.
Let me know your "vital details" - as asked above ya rude wench, not what you were thinking!