Hey all,
Just got back last night from the hospital. (sunday)
Gracey the gracilis flap "took"! 8 hour surgery on Thursday-I had small arteries apparently so took a little longer to connect the little things.
First 2 days sucked with pain, nausea, emesis (not good for face surgery but only once) dizziness, tinnitus. You know the story! The doppler machine was set on extra loud in the ICU so they could hear it outside the door. How's that for modern medical technology.
WHOOSH, WHOOSH, WHOOSH! Didn't blend well with the tinnitus, and the dinging IV machines.I asked for ear plug, but had to take it out every 30 min- 1 hour when someone would come in to
bug assess me.
I had dilaudid pain pump, another infusion into the graft site on the thigh- an accuser with local anesthetics administered continuously. One of those shrinking ball devices. So I was pretty doped up!
Things got quickly better day 3 and 4 and now I'm walking with little thigh pain, off the narcs, feeling good!
Flashback to AN surgery but recovery is 90% quicker.
Will post a pic soon as soon as I find the camera.
My face does look like a puffy pancake on the left. "I'm not an animal!" I'm not going anywhere for a while!