Hi Dowdog and welcome. You certainly have come to a terrific place with a wealth of information.
I believe if you go to the "Radio-Surgery Options" forum, you will see info there about the 2 forms of radiation that you mention but I'll see if I can help here and see if others chime in with their info as well.
Gamma Knife and Cyberknife:
GK - 1 dose/day treatment
CK - fractionated (usually 3-5 doses/days)
GK - metal head frame
CK - frameless (use of a mesh/mask)
radiation used = just about equal (anyone want to chime in on this as I'm really lousy at true technical data)
GK - Image guided
CK - image and robotic guided
Post treatment symptoms/after affects - run about the same. Obviously, varies from person to person but "typical" side affects are enhanced tinnitus, dizziness, balance issues, facial numbness, etc.
Hearing preservation (I believe) run about the same for both forms of treatment.
Like I said, just brief thoughts to help but I know there are many posts in the Radio Options forum and many here that have had both forms of treatment that are more than happy to share.
Know, regardless of what you decide or where and how, we are ALL here for you!
Welcome to our small little corner of the world, but hey, the drinks are good and so is the support! Great folks here!