If you are a newbie and are considering your options. You're first phone call should be to your insurance company to request a case manager. The case manager is provided to you free. They are the ones to help you coordinate your benefits, and make sure you have the things you need in place for and after your surgery. Many of us call to ask our insurances benefits questions and if you call back you'll get someone different who will tell you something different which will add to your overall anxiety. A case manager is your point of contact who will eliminate a lot of the confusion. No, I dont' work for an insurance company. I didn't know to ask for one until my sis in law who worked for an insurance company told me to. I do know my case manager made things a lot easier for me.
Hope it helps
and know any question you have please post it as we're all more than willing to provide our experience and try to help.
My best to all,