Yesterday I ended up in the ER with a brain wreck of a headache. My bloody occipital nerve is really doing me in. My card was swiped, blood pressure taken, questions asked, medications noted, doctor, saw me, nurse gave me an injection of toradol in the rump and dilaudid orally. The nurse asked me to wait to talk to the doctor. The doctor popped back in about 20 minutes later, discussed who debulked my tumour and how did I find out about Dr Rutka at the Toronto General. Turns out he did a rotation with Dr Rutka when he was in Med school and thinks very highly of him. He also asked if I was feeling better and at that point I was, so he gave me a script for dilaudid since I already have toradol to get me through until Thursday when I see the neurologist.
I was there a total of three hours and forty-five minutes. It cost me nothing. Today had a regular scheduled appointment with my family doctor, swipe of the card, no charge. MRI was done almost two weeks ago, swipe of the card no charge, D&C March 31, swipe of the card no charge, I see the neurologist this Thursday, swipe of the card no charge, I see Dr Rutka May 26, swipe of the card no charge.
I do not think of Ontario, Canada health care system as scary. I think of it as a blessing. Thank you Marianna for your eloquent words. You write so much better than I do.
Anne Marie