EGCG - epigallocatechin gallate If you do a search with Yahoo or Google you will find all sorts of stuff about it. The best way to research EGCG is to look only at websites at major medical institutions (e.g. Johns-Hopkins etc.) or universities which will have .edu in the web address. The sites that sell supplements and herbs will hype just about anything. You can see one study at but there are plenty more.
I read tons about the stuff during my first year of wait and watch. My conclusion was that it may indeed help, but also it can't hurt. In addition to other useful purposes EGCG is an antiangeogenesis compound which means that it inhibits the growth of new blood supplies to tumors. When a tumor starts to form the cells send out signals to bring blood supplies closer to the area to further promote growth. If the signals are stopped or slowed the tumor growth, in theory, should stop or slow also. Well, there are many attempts currently to product drugs to do just this, but there is also evidence that EGCG already has this property, at least to some extent.ÂÂ
Most of what you read will reference the effects on cancer, but keep in mind that benign tumors also need additional blood supply to grow. That fact combined with the other positive effects of green tea (the source of EGCG) made my mind up. Now I drink several cups of green tea (decaf) a day and take decaf green tea supplements.
I stopped coffee and caffeine cold turkey. I had a headache for about a week but that slowly went away. Only allowed myself to take asprin during that time so as to avoid the caffeine in things like Excedrin. The slowly cutting back routine never quite worked out as I could always justify the coffee because I hadn't slept good or had a meeting or needed to be more creative, etc. I haven't had caffeine for 5 months now and it is great! I sleep all through the night (haven't done that in years) and wake up rested. The typical after lunch sluggishness is completely gone and my energy level is even all day. Best of all the migraines that took so much of my time are gone! Honestly I was at a point where I was taking an Excedrin at bedtime just so I wouldn't wake up with a headache. That's when it hit me that I needed to change things. I'll probably always stay away from caffeine in all it's forms. I had no idea how it was effecting my quality of life.
It is also worth noting that caffeine inhibits the uptake of some important minerals including calcium!
Well I've rambled enough for now and I hope it makes some sense. Good to hear from you and I wish you and yours all the best. Good luck everyone.