Hello Mtn,
I would not be so quick as to decide on surgery until you have weighed all your options. I am not trying to be a downer. I had surgery on a tumor that was quite large, and I swear if I had found out about my tumor while it was small, and knew what i know now i definitely would have opted for radiation.
I was diagnosed with AN on 4/5/05 and had translab surgery on 5/9/05, 34 days later. I had been having symptoms for a few years, but I blamed them on other things, like being tired, stress on the job, using the computer too much, I could go on and on. Anyway,
I spent one night in IT then a week at the hospital, then was admitted to a rehab hospital for another week, then released and went to rehab twice/wk for a few months. Immediately after my surgery, I could not walk, my left side was totally uncoordinated. I had no control of my left arm and if I raised it, it would kind of flop around on it's own. Seriously.
I was on a walker when i left the rehab hosp. Then progressed to a cane after some out patient therapy. Now I am able to walk without the cane. However, have severe balance issues, and a soon as I get tired, I walk like a drunken sailor. I had a CSF leak in June and was readmitted to the hospital for a second surgery to repair the leak. I spent five days on my back, with a lumbar drain, not any fun. I am totally deaf in my left ear, have facial paralysis, and my left side, while I can now contol it, is still uncoordinated. Everyday is a battle, and I like to think I am winning, but, it is a very very slow and difficult recovery from surgery.
If I have learned anything on this site at all, it is to do all the research you can to make an informed decision. Always take someone with you to an appointment. They just might catch something you missed, because you are still stuck on the last statement the surgeon made. I hope that makes sense.
Good luck at your appointment.
Sorry, this is long, and again, i hope I didn't depress you. I just don't want someone else to go through what I am going through.