I had the translab at House. Just a small area at the back of the head near the ear was shaved...which was completely covered when my hair was down. Stiches, not staples. Aveda makes a "hair refresher" product which I used on my bangs and the rest of my hair besides the surgery area. That worked well enough for the time before I could wash it. I worried about that first shower and trying to fix my hair for the first time after surgery. It was not bad at all!
I had hair down to the middle of my back before surgery, but thought it would be too much to take care of, so I had it cut to my shoulders right before surgery...and then I cut it myself (short) about 5 days after surgery for a "new look" (I have zero experience cutting hair--I was clearly not myself--normally I don't even try to trim my bangs). I freaked my husband out when he came in to see what I was doing in the bathroom for so long at 3 a.m. (those dang steroids!) and found the trash can full of hair and me standing there with quite a lot missing. Each day afterward, I did a little bit of trimming and he eventually had to hide my scissors for fear I would end up completely bald.
I liked the shorter hair for about 2 weeks (and it was easier to take care of). But then I just wanted my long hair back. My advice: wait until several weeks after surgery to figure out what to do with your hair