Author Topic: Symptoms 9 months post CK  (Read 1554 times)


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Symptoms 9 months post CK
« on: April 18, 2010, 02:54:07 pm »
I seek to verify my sudden balance, confusion, "wonky-head" symptoms as typical following radiation for my AN after last July's series of CK treatments. In March, my wife and I flew to Argentina. Sudden, noticeable, balance issues have since slowed me down considerably. My posture is as an old man due to brain trying to compensate. I waver to left side and can not put pants on without holding for support. My body aches and I can not walk for distances. Fatigue dominates, hearing when ambient noise is difficult and triggers further anxiety. I am depressed (temporarily?) hoping these flare ups subside. Pre-treatment and months out post CK there was no issue that could not be handled. Now frustration mounts with these new adventures.

I went to three distinct specialists who all claim my symptoms are transient from the treatment not the tumor. I need to hear from others who some months out post radiation have experienced this too. What should I anticipate? The heat of warmer climes seems to trigger symptoms as does barometric pressure changes. I am unable to stand without slouching which is quite bothersome as my center of gravity has shifted. Also, in two weeks I am scheduled for urological surgery under general anesthesia. Might the stress of surgery or general anesthesia further impact my AN symptoms? Any experiences to share that might console an over-anxious man?  What ought I do in the interim to regain balance and control?