For me, my cure was way worse than the condition. My symptoms were not really troublesome--hearing loss, stuffy feeling ear and some headaches that may or may not have een related to the AN. They were very manageable with 2 Advil and a little rest. At 6 months post-op I was bed-ridden with daily horrid migraines, was living on narcotic pain meds, went to the ER at least 6 times because the pain was so bad my husband was afraid I was having a stroke. This went on for 3 years. I finally found a specialist who was able to put me on a drug cocktail which at least got me out of bed a bit.
I believe all those drugs really affected my over-all health as now I have an irreversible stomach condition (from over-use of OTC NSAIDs) and osteoporosis, which is affecting my sacroiliac joints, causing me to be in a lot of pain for over a year. The meds I was on block calcium absorption (no doc told me that I had to take extra calcium) Right now I am trying non-systemic and holistic remedies, like an anti-inflammatory diet, supplements, nerve blocks and Botox, and those last two are pretty pricey, believe me, even with MEDICARE. My previous insurance refused to cover the Botox.
It took 4 years, but I finally won my disability claim. I totally lost my lucrative art career--I was selling work for $4000- $9000 at 4 different galleries. They have all dropped me because I cannot produce any new art. I also suffer from depression, making it even harder to work. I cannot do anything physical without triggering a headache. Even taking a walk brings one on. Before surgery, I used to do things like renting a boat and taking my hubby on a sailing vacation in the Virgin Islands (I used to be a charterboat captain down there), hike the Appalachian Trail, windsurfing, etc. I was extremely athletic.
Do I regret the surgery? Absolutely. I wish I had at least W&W for 6 months to a year and then researched more on gammaknife of cyberknife. I made an emotional decision. My favorite cousin and best buddy had just been through a malignant brain tumor and I just wanted the thing gone. I met a man at one of the symposiums who has been in W&W for eleven years and his AN just quit growing and he's doing great.
I have mixed feelings about flying across country to have it at House in LA. I know I had among the best surgeons in the world, but the aftercare was difficult in my small town here in North Carolina, and I could not tolerate or afford to fly across the country again to see why I was having such headaches.
So much for the horror story. We are all different, but it's really a crap shoot.
Capt Deb