Nate .....
Welcome to this forum of fellow acoustic neuroma friends. All I can say is, WOW! I cannot imagine going in for surgery to wake up with the result of still having the tumor!
I have many questions about your situation: 1) what symptoms were you having prior to diagnosis? 2) what symptoms are you having now? 3) was "wait and watch" or radiotherapy ever discussed? 4) was your first surgery via retrosigmoid, middle fossa, or translab approach? 5) what is the recommendation now?
There are many medical facilities in the US that have had vast experience with ANs who will evaluate a patient's MRI CDROM and give an opinion on treatment options free of charge. House Ear Institute in LA is probably the largest and most experienced one ( We strongly recommend seeking out the most experienced physicians you can find for treatment of an AN, since they are so relatively rare.
I cannot (nor do I want to) tell you what to do. However, if I were in your situation, I would seek a second, third, maybe even a fourth opinion before entering into surgery again.
I can identify with your fear of a second surgery since I have had two retrosigmoid surgeries (one on each side). I will tell you that recovery from the second surgery was way easier than the first (they were almost 14 years apart) and in my own mind, I credit the skill of the neurosurgeon, plus an excellent medical facility for the difference.
Many thoughts and let us know how you are doing.