Dear all,
It has been 2 months from yesterday that I had my surgery at the Duke and Raleigh Hospital, NC. I am feeling better, and I thank you all very much for your help and support. Without your support I would not have been like I am now.
I originally wanted to have my surgery at the HEI, and they already gave me an appointment, but it was too late as I started to faint many times and had a couple of partial seizures. The neurosurgeons in Puerto Rico suggested me to find the shortest way, and I could not reach California.
Dr. Fukushima accepted to do the surgery. The tumor was actually larger than it was found on MRI (more than 3.3cm). He left a residual to save my face, my balance and my hearing.Now, I still have some issues with my balance and I still can hear, but it is reduced, probably, to 50% on that left side. I usually have fullness and strong tinitus on that side, and that bothers me a lot.
Speaking of the side effects, I just wanted to ask you a few more questions. Now, I have dry eyes, especially on the left side where I had the surgery, and that eye is itching a lot, especially, when I have a cold. However, I sometimes have a lot of tears on that eye, and the itching bothers me a lot. Any suggestions?
Also, I will start to work after one month. Do you think my recovery period would be enough? My work is challenging, and I still cannot stay in front of computer for more than 1 hour and ½ now. In addition, I am concerned the tumor may grow faster with the stress. It is possible?
How about the effects of the weather? Is there any theory that areas with cold weather would not be good for AN than any area with hot weather? I know this question sounds silly, but I just wanted to know if you have heard or have had any experience related to the rapid growth if this tumor.
Your suggestions and help are always welcome and appreciated.
Thank you again.