You're right, when you're in that small percentile of outcomes. (1 to 2 %) and when what can go wrong, does go wrong it's a difficult decision to make. On one hand there's much that can be learned from the experience. But it could also cause additional fear in those awaiting treatment. Both of us has felt the responsibility.
It's a big responsibility. By sharing the whole story, there's a chance that someone might delay treatment, or chose to do nothing at all. By sharing, we could be helping someone else that's having a difficult time know that they aren't alone, that others have found a way thur.
On the list here, most know that Chet has problems related to a 6 cm tumor. Most have to read between the lines. Off list I will share the long version once I've determined that the are post treatment and are also experiencing difficulties. But that's a rare thing.
One thing i won't change is that due to Chet's AN journey and being 1 to 2 % is for others to know that it's critical that the medical team be experienced in the treatment of AN's. Simply by earning the medical degree that enables them to practice medicine, many doctors are qualified by degree, but not by experience. Experience counts. If there's one thing that I want a person to take from our journey is that. Do whatever it takes to assemble a medical team with experience in the treatment of AN's for whatever treatment option chosen.
I also want others to see that even if all, or most of the bad stuff happens, there is still a valued life to be lived. Both of our lifes have been changed by this. Some would say our glass of life is half empty, others would say it's half full. from our viewpoint, it's life, and I'm grateful for these almost 9 years. In many ways they are "our bonus years".
Tony, I can't answer for you, you must do what you think is right. I remember trying to make the same decision, I even called Lois White (former ANA Director) to ask her opinion. What I will say, is this. I am very glad to have you back, you've been missed!!!!! My e-mail address remains the same as before So while you ponder things write me direct. Hope to hear from you
(golden oldie, geez I uhmmmmmm never quite thought of myself in those terms, choke, choke choke, even tho I'm definitely a baby boomer. <grin>