Author Topic: I have a question after having the surgery three years ago.  (Read 4982 times)


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I have a question.
Three years ago I had my second acoustic nueroma surgery done.The tumor was removed completely.I went through therapy at shephards center and I am doing great.I have a check up MRI done every 6 months.My question is and I have had pain in the area where my surgery happened.It feels as though I slept on the neck wrong.It has been like this for 3 weeks.I know that if I sleep on that right side for too long I wake up and it hurts but it goes away.My neck and shoulders and especially that area has been sore and has stayed that way.My MRI came back fine with a little scar tissue but nothing to worry about.Then 4 weeks later this pain started.I guess I am just feeling different and I know my body.I just want to know if this is something normal or if I should follow up on this?
If you can help me let me know.


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Re: I have a question after having the surgery three years ago.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2005, 12:48:10 pm »
I also experienced much pain in sleeping.  I have to sleep on the opposite side of the surgery.  I think the location is just not so great because if you sleep in that side you're necessarily putting pressure on the incision.  I used to wake up with dreams that I had a spiral notebook in my head!  The paid did seem to dissipate, so that now I can actually sleep on that side (4 months post surgery), but it still hurts for a bit afterward.


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Re: I have a question after having the surgery three years ago.
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 03:39:16 pm »
Let your doctor know sweetie....Take Care...Karla


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Re: I have a question after having the surgery three years ago.
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2005, 09:34:54 am »
  I believe I've read some post-op pts. have pain at the surgical site for years. Seems the exact etiology of this is unknown ( It may be neurological ) but if you are 3 years post op and have recent negative MRI, my feeling is not to worry.
  As this is but a support group, however, it's always best to follow closely with a Dr specialist.
  Best wishes to you in this!!